Spirals of Stardust

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
142 Pages
Reviewed on 06/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Spirals of Stardust is a young adult sci-fi novella by Diane C. Jerome. In the 23rd century, all the rainforests have vanished from Earth except one. Animals have been implanted with cloned human genes, and humanity has ensured its survival by merging itself with the animal kingdom. Jill is a teenage jaguar who lives in the only remaining rainforest on the planet. She struggles in school with her tests and exams but is exceptionally creative, thinking through pictures in her mind. Her poor scores mean she might not get into university. But Jill has ambitions to become a nurse. When her father's health takes a turn for the worse, Jill must delve into research using her great-grandma's medical notes and team up with her Aunt Kolenda and the amnesiac Professor Am to work on natural remedies that will save his life.

A coming-of-age tale with heart, Spirals of Stardust is full of wonder and celebrates humanity's ingenious strength to change the world using its creative spark. Diane C. Jerome presents an astonishing view of a fictional future where humans have pushed beyond their physical limitations to merge with animals, crafting a uniquely authentic world featuring various kinds of intelligent species. In addition to the stellar worldbuilding, the author has written an engaging plot with likable and relatable characters. Apart from being a jaguar, Jill is your average teenager who struggles with her exams and desperately wants to carry on the family legacy by pursuing nursing as her career. Young readers will easily become attached to this character. Overall, this is for readers of coming-of-age stories who love books that make them contemplate.