The Adventures of Sophie and Bego

Balancing the Ego

Children - Social Issues
27 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

The Adventures of Sophie and Bego: Balancing the Ego by Tawny Gizzi is an educational children's picture book. It follows Sophie, an eight-year-old girl, and her friend Bego. Sophie always tries her best at things. When she gets into trouble, Sophie notices that Bego is always with her, telling her what to do and say. She knows that Bego tries to be a good friend to her, but he is too bossy sometimes. Yet Sophie listens to him, and that's when she gets into trouble. Sophie learns from her parents that there are other ways to handle things than listening to Bego. Now Sophie must learn to tell Bego no. Will Sophie and Bego learn together to be better friends, understand and listen to each other, and do the right things?

The Adventures of Sophie and Bego is a must-have book for every child, especially those with brothers and sisters. It teaches kids about their egos, decision-making, setting boundaries, building confidence, good friendship, and fairness. In it, the ego is represented by Bego, who shows them what their ego may sound like when they want to be noticed, heard, or given attention. This book shows how hard it can be to do what is right or control our feelings when upset. It proves that it's up to us how we choose to act. It teaches children to stand up for themselves and for what is right, say no when they feel like it, be honest, share how they feel, and not let their feelings explode, thus hurting others. Tawny Gizzi's wonderfully illustrated book helps all parents guide their children on how to manage their egos.