The Bracelet

Fiction - General
286 Pages
Reviewed on 08/03/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Roy T. James for Readers' Favorite

The Bracelet by Todd W. Cheney has Michael Alex, an expert mechanic, receiving a package which contains a bracelet that can grant any wish. Not very convinced about its ability, and to check this, the first wish he makes is for a colleague to have marital troubles, and alas, this happens. Feeling regretful, he wishes for the opposite and that too takes place. Much of the changes brought about by this capability affect peaceful co-existence with others. The turn of events, influenced by the presence of the bracelet, leads to a turbulent life, he realizes, and so he takes drastic actions to bring back normalcy.

The Bracelet by Todd W. Cheney is a fine novel and a good fantasy, with a well drawn and imaginative plot. The unsure nature of the protagonist on receipt of the mysterious gift, and the initial prankish moves, are portrayed quite realistically. But, especially when Mike happens to hear things like, “I don’t know what the bracelet is. It could be a religious artifact, or the Holy Grail, or the devil’s work. It can give you everything, or take it all away,” realization occurs. This is shown convincingly, evoking sympathy from the reader. A good book and an interesting read, this book is a welcome addition to one's literary collection of this genre.