The Forgiveness Quest

A Search for Freedom and Peace

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
98 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

The Forgiveness Quest: A Search for Freedom and Peace by Annalyn J. Rasul is a self-help book that looks at forgiveness from various religious and spiritual perspectives, speaking on its significance in moral and spiritual growth. In Christianity, Rasul says that forgiveness is pivotal, as illustrated in passages like Matthew 6:14-15 and Matthew 18:21-22, which link forgiveness to receiving God’s grace and emphasize releasing anger. Rasul discusses how Islam views forgiveness as a divine quality, stressing its boundlessness and the transformative power of sincere repentance. Rasul also examines perspectives from Marianne Williamson, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Desmond Tutu, and the Dalai Lama, each offering approaches to forgiveness and its role in alleviating suffering and fostering peace. Rasul shares her own difficulties in requiring forgiveness to show how vital it is for emotional healing.

Annalyn J. Rasul’s The Forgiveness Quest is a really well-crafted book, with her writing particularly standing out for its balanced, agenda-free approach, examining forgiveness from almost every conceivable spiritual angle. Rasul adeptly depicts how forgiveness is integral to moral and spiritual growth, without enforcing a singular viewpoint. Given that forgiveness is a universal concept, it's fantastic that she makes it relatable to readers everywhere. What touched me the most was the deeply personal life experiences that Rasul courageously divulges, which go a long way in grounding the insight she provides and in illustrating how forgiveness works in real-life scenarios. She talks the talk, but she also walks the walk, which I respect. Overall, Rasul's comprehensive guide to understanding and practicing forgiveness is a timely and valuable resource for readers seeking emotional and spiritual peace...which should be all of us.

Philip Van Heusen

At the end of the Lord’s Prayer, a statement says if we don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive us. Annalyn J. Rasul, in The Forgiveness Quest: A Search for Freedom and Peace, shares significant points on the vital need for forgiveness from several books. Gathering concepts from other authors such as Marianne Williamson, Desmond Tutu, Victor Chan and the Dalai Lama, June Hunt, and others, Annalyn helps her readers understand and apply various thoughts about forgiveness—its meaning and process. Developing a society based on love and forgiveness will lead to a world without fear or hate. One will create a life of peace when one learns the meaning and methods of achieving forgiveness. The reader will learn much about forgiveness that will change their lives forever.

The Forgiveness Quest is the result of Annalyn J. Rasul’s real-life grief. Many people don’t realize that grief is a natural part of life and happens when one suffers loss. Annalyn used her grief as a springboard to learn all she could about the subject and created a compilation of some of the best books on dealing with grief. Her style of writing is easy to read. As you read, you will feel like you and Annalyn are sitting down for a cup of tea and sharing the burden. As a counselor for over forty years, I spent many hours teaching people the power of forgiveness in overcoming grief and returning to a new normal for living. While this book talks about Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, it is not a book of religion. The reader will begin to understand that all religions and philosophies speak of forgiveness as the path to peace. I highly recommend this book to everyone.