The Gratitude Jar

A children's book about creating habits of thankfulness and a positive mindset

Children - Grade K-3rd
28 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Gratitude Jar is a children’s picture book written by Katrina Liu and illustrated by Bella Ansori. It tells the story of Mina, a young girl who learns to appreciate the simple things in life through a daily gratitude practice with her family. After attending a friend's party, Mina complains about not getting a pink bracelet, not having a big house like her friend, and having leftovers for dinner. Her mother notices her ungrateful behavior continues even the next day, so she introduces Mina to a gratitude jar, where she and her family write and draw things they are thankful for each day. Through this daily practice, Mina begins to shift her focus to the good things in life and starts to feel happier, recognizing the many blessings she has with her family.

The Gratitude Jar celebrates the importance of gratitude and appreciation, teaching kids to have a positive mindset and attitude. Inspired by the author's children, Mina and Leah, the story features Asian representation and introduces readers to an interesting and relatable cast of characters, helping kids develop emotional skills and strengthen their core values. Katrina Liu presents the lessons in a way that is relatable to young readers. By using a friendly tone and simple words, children can easily follow the story and enjoy getting to know the characters. The colorful illustrations perfectly complement the story and bring it to life. Small details like the family meals and the cozy home decor add a sense of warmth and intimacy to the story. The art also cleverly conveys the emotions and personalities of the characters, making it easy for young readers to connect with them. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend sharing it with your children.