The Herb Gardener

Fiction - Mystery - General
268 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tina Gibbons for Readers' Favorite

In The Herb Gardener by Maris Morton, after a painful divorce, Joanna is leaving the city with her daughter, Mia, to spend some time cooking at a farm for her new love interest. It is a sort of trial run to see how things go, and if they do well, perhaps she will become a farmer's wife and start a new life. The reader is introduced to new characters as soon as Joanna arrives at the farm. As she is struggling to adjust to the setting, a murder is discovered and the road to uncovering the perpetrator's identity reveals the truth about many of the people living in Joanna's new world.

The Herb Gardener became an interesting mystery and educational look into a different place. Maris Morton's descriptions were vivid and detailed. The story branched out into enough directions to be puzzling. The characters were diverse, and engaging. Mickey, who worked for Chris doing some renovations, was such a unique individual. My female favorite was Allie from the neighboring farm. Her bold and intense characteristics stand out in my memory above most others. Joanna's handling of her attempts to become friends rivaled the efforts to discover the identity of the murderer and was most entertaining. Another of the best parts of the book was learning about how things work on a farm in Australia. As the story wound down and mysteries were solved, the ultimate in justice served, or maybe karma, gave a final, added enjoyable twist that left me smiling.