The Mystery Next Door

Lindsey Lame Teenage Gumshoe

Fiction - Mystery - General
231 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

The Mystery Next Door: Lindsey Lame Teenage Gumshoe by A. Goode Reed is the story of Lindsey Lame, a girl who relies on her family for anything and everything. She cannot imagine living without them and she does not wish to, ever. Living in Trinidad and Tobago was everything she ever knew. So you can imagine her surprise when her parents decide to move to America for a better future. Her brother, father, and she make it safely to the new country, but her mother and the rest of her family are left behind.

There is no time for them to be a family again in the strange new country. Only after three days in the USA, Lindsey and Nassan have to go to a new school, a high school, and we all know the horrors that happen there. Lindsey was already frightened to be a foreigner in the new school, but when things go downhill from day one, she knew this was not going to be a pleasant journey for her and Nassan.

Don’t we all count on our families to get by in hard times? Then why is Lindsey different? That is the whole point, isn’t it? She is no different from anyone. She is us in every single aspect and I absolutely adored her for that. I connected with her right from the start - her awkwardness, her frightened mind, and her need to find support from her family is everything that I am. How many novels have that? How many characters portray this simple human characteristic found in each and every one of us? One in a million, and this novel is exactly that! It was great!

Chris Fischer

In an interesting and entertaining new work in the mystery genre, The Mystery Next Door: Lindsey Lame Teenage Gumshoe by author A. Goode Reed will keep readers on their toes. Follow the exploits of protagonist Lindsay Lame, a quiet girl whose life is about to be changed forever. Her parents have decided to leave their home in Trinidad and Tobago and move to America. Due to some complications with immigration, Lindsay is only allowed to enter the country three days before school is set to begin, and the learning curve for her is steep. After she and her sibling, Nassan, get into trouble on their very first day of school, Lindsey realizes that she might just have more to figure out than she ever thought possible. Will Lindsey be able to solve the mystery in front of her and make a new life for herself in America? You'll need to read the book to find out.

The Mystery Next Door: Lindsey Lame Teenage Gumshoe is an intriguing story that blends a mystery with the story of one family's immigration and their drive to make it in their adopted country. Told from the viewpoint of a young girl, this story takes many twists and turns that can be quite unexpected. Author A. Goode Reed has done a good job in creating characters, especially Lindsey, that readers will relate to and connect with. I am pleased to recommend this book, and look forward to more from this author in the future!