The Royal Order of the Last Coin

Christian - Historical Fiction
212 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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Author Biography

Joyce Crawford is a fifth-generation Floridian who grew up in a small town in north-central Florida. From an early age, Joyce struggled with reading . She was never an ardent reader, nor did she write stories at an early age like many of her counterparts. However, Joyce is no longer ashamed to admit that she has dyslexia and a brain imbalance. She believes that "The Lord helps me overcome my handicap by giving me a vivid imagination and a desire to learn and achieve."

Joyce started her writing career with a children's chapter book series, 'The Adventures of Thelma Thistle and Her Friends.'

Joyce's shift from children's books to Christian historical novels is a strategic move that showcases her versatility and highlights her ability to delve deep and address a diverse audience. While still possessing the same playfulness and creative imagination, Crawford weaves a novel emphasizing a God who respects humanity and never dictates but has generously given free will.

Joyce's primary strength is her ability to transform something simple into its most extraordinary potential by revealing its cryptic meaning. She fills her writing with excitement, discovery, and magical moments, and Crawford's picturesque writing style can take readers deep into the story and to greater heights. With a passion for living and a love of life and God, Crawford is in her best element in this genre.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Royal Order of the Last Coin by Joyce Crawford is a Christian historical fiction novel set in 14th-century England, centered around the de Burton family. The story begins with the knighting of Walter de Burton by King Edward I on the day of William Wallace's execution. As Walter struggles with his loyalty to the king and his faith in God, his son, Milton, serves as a squire, dreaming of following in his father's footsteps. Together, they secretly explore the Holy Scriptures, despite the Church’s disapproval, in a tale that weaves together historical events, family legacy, and spiritual courage.

Author Joyce Crawford’s portrayal of 14th-century England is richly detailed and leaps out at readers immediately, immersing them in the historical setting while exploring timeless themes of faith and loyalty that modern audiences can relate to. There’s a great mixture of well-researched historical facts layered behind the personal struggles of faith that the characters undergo, and this creates a compelling and authentic narrative deeply rooted in the context of the era. It’s clear in every moment of attitude and dialogue that these characters are straight from the period, and I was especially impressed with the nuances in the father-son dynamics as Milton sets out his future aspirations. The religious and spiritual aspects are included in such a natural and appropriate way for the historical background and the characters’ relationships to faith, giving the novel a strong moral underpinning that is secure and never overdone. Overall, The Royal Order of the Last Coin is a highly recommended read for historical drama fans everywhere that offers a lot of depth under the surface.