The Secret of Assarderia

A Coming-of-Age Space Opera

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
408 Pages
Reviewed on 05/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Secret of Assarderia is a work of fiction for young adult readers in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres. Penned by author Fred Kimmel, the plot follows Ariel, rejected by the Space Academy, who, along with friends Rachel and Eitan, ends up commanding the USS Exorbitant due to a scheming AI. Their unexpected journey takes them to the Bronze Age planet Marde, where they discover the endangered Ephrahudis, an ancient Earth-descended people. Ariel and his friends must outwit the AI and hostile aliens, facing trials that test their courage and friendship, ultimately discovering their inner strength in a mission to save thousands.

Author Fred Kimmel transported me to a universe brimming with adventure and intrigue that is sure to capture the imaginations of teen readers with its flair and pace. There’s a poignancy to the emotional storyline of this intelligent coming-of-age tale set against the vast backdrop of space, and the atmospheric descriptions of both people and places offer much to explore. Ariel is a well-penned protagonist, and the detail in his dialogue and thoughts allows readers to empathize and connect with him, sitting on his shoulder through every trial and rooting for him all the way. The trio has fantastic banter, and their exploration of Marde and the discovery of the Ephrahudis civilization provides a rich, historical depth that rounds out the credibility of the worldbuilding so well. Kimmel's writing kept me on the edge of my seat from cover to cover, eager to see how Ariel and his friends would navigate each perilous situation. Overall, The Secret of Assarderia is a captivating read that combines epic space adventures with profound personal growth, making it a memorable and inspiring YA tale that I would certainly recommend.