The Spindle Trap

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
42 Pages
Reviewed on 10/23/2024
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Author Biography

Beka Gremikova lives, writes, and dreams from the Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada. Her passions include travelling, folklore and myth, and nerding out over anime, manga, and The Legend of Zelda. When she’s not reading, writing or drawing, she can be found climbing mountains and slaying monsters–in the virtual realm, of course. In real life, she prefers cuddling cute animals and eating delicious foods of all kinds. She will write in exchange for ramen.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennifer Donovan for Readers' Favorite

A fairytale retelling meets The Parent Trap! The Spindle Trap by Beka Gremikova is a young adult adaptation of Sleeping Beauty. Theryn’s parents are getting divorced, but she has devised a plan to keep them together. The faery curse is upon her on her sixteenth birthday, but thanks to Lady Luce, she will not die when she pricks her finger on the spindle. Instead, she and everyone in the castle will fall into a 100-year slumber. In preparation, Theryn has dismissed all the servants except one maid so they can live out their lives with their families. She believes her plan is infallible; if she pricks her finger on purpose and her parents fall asleep along with her, in 100 years a prince will break the curse, her parents’ troubles will subside, and their family will be mended.

The Spindle Trap is a brisk short story, but that does not mean it comes without surprising twists. Beka Gremikova’s retelling of Sleeping Beauty puts a spotlight on teenage obstinance. No one can dissuade Theryn from her plan. And if you were expecting a fairytale happily ever after, something else is in store for you! The pacing and character development were appropriate for the length of the story. The lesson to be learned from this fairytale has been adapted for the modern reader. While written for a young adult audience, it is appropriate in length and content for younger audiences as well. Overall, The Spindle Trap is a fun and pleasantly surprising story.