Two Hearts’ Rendezvous

Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Book 20

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
235 Pages
Reviewed on 08/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Two Hearts’ Rendezvous (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Book 20) by Tamara Ferguson is her latest iteration of this wonderfully sweet and romantic series. Zane, Lex, and little six-year-old Caleb have been on the run since they escaped from the sex traffickers who kidnapped them years earlier. Raiding a wine-storage facility on the vineyard of Gabe Giordano and his family, the trio is spotted by twelve-year-old Izzy Giordano. With a brother and younger sister who were also trafficked as part of the family, Izzy knows what the trio is going through and introduces them to her father and Jake Loughlin, both semi-retired FBI agents. Zane and Izzy’s instant connection and friendship will be rekindled later in life as friendship turns to romance but given Zane’s horrific past can he truly open up and let Izzy into every part of his life?

Two Hearts’ Rendezvous is a typically soulful and romantic tale that we have come to expect from this author. I have been an immense fan of author Tamara Ferguson for some years now and her latest offering is as enjoyable as her previous ones. What I particularly like so much about her work is that many of the characters are flawed in some way, either emotionally, spiritually, or physically. Using the idea of ex-military personnel who have been wounded in combat provides readers with insight into the difficulties many combat veterans find fitting back into the society they have been so bravely protecting. The trauma experienced by those children who are taken and trafficked for sex is deeply ingrained and, like Zane and Lex, many will struggle to open up to the ones they love for fear of rejection. This is adult romance. Although there are loving sexual scenes, these are always written beautifully and sensually without crossing the line. Because of her conversational, flowing writing style plus engaging characters, it is easy to read this book in one satisfying session, as I did. I am fascinated by Lex and his history so I was excited to read that he will be the principal character in the next work. Ferguson is truly a master in this genre and I highly recommend this book.

Pikasho Deka

Treat yourself to a tale of love and romance with Tamara Ferguson's Two Hearts' Rendezvous. Isabella 'Izzy' Giordano was twelve years old when she came across the three young boys, Zane, Lex, and Caleb, as they were fleeing from human traffickers. Izzy's parents and their friends helped these boys find sanctuary in their hometown of Crystal Rock, Wisconsin. From their teenage years, Izzy and Zane had a special bond. Twelve years later, Izzy has become a US Air Force lieutenant and is back on US soil after a tour of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Zane is a rockstar who is quick to woo Izzy with a song written specifically for her. However, Zane's past comes roaring back in the form of Randall Sterling, while Izzy gets injured on an evacuation mission in Afghanistan. Will Izzy and Zane have a happily ever after?

Tamara Ferguson is a master at writing captivating romances where the lovers have to defy the odds to be together. Two Hearts' Rendezvous is yet another riveting example of that. Personally, I was very excited to be back in this world, and the familiar setting of Crystal Rock should entertain long-time Ferguson fans likewise. This is a relatively short book, and the pacing is such that you can read it in one sitting. The author provides a lot of backstory for the two main leads, adding depth to their characters that make them even more relatable to the reader. Izzy and Zane come from very different backgrounds and have distinct personalities. But as a reader, you love to see them as a couple. I also liked Lex's character development. If you're looking for a heartwarming romance novel, you won't go wrong with this one.

Essien Asian

When Isabella Giordano discovers some young men consuming her father's wine collection without authorization, she becomes suspicious. She initially wants to call the police, but she has second thoughts after hearing how they ended up at her house with their leader, a dashing young man named Zane. Her attempts at helping them spark the beginning of a friendship that shows signs of developing into something serious, but Zane has a secret he is not willing to share. Will his fears keep him and Isabella apart, or will he muster the bravery to let her into this dark side of his life? Only time will tell in Tamara Ferguson's Two Hearts' Rendezvous.

Tamara Ferguson crafts a believable romance in book 20 of her Two Hearts Wounded Warriors series. Character development is clean and well-executed; Isabella and Zane's early encounters coherently reveal their backstories, allowing readers to connect with the characters immediately. Even as they shift from teen interests like friendship and fun to a deeper, more focused banter comprising flirtatious remarks and other adult concerns, the conversations between them flow naturally. The pace is even, gradually picking up as the romantic adventure progresses. Ferguson masterfully captures the first passionate liaison between Isabella and Zane, electrifying the encounter with her skillful storytelling. The choice of themes—child prostitution and trafficking—gives Two Hearts' Rendezvous a distinctive feel. However, what makes the novel stand out is the meticulous way in which she depicts the Giordano family's efforts to reintegrate Zane and his friends into society, emphasizing the value of kindness and trust in this delicate process. Two Hearts' Rendezvous is a beautifully crafted masterpiece from an impressively talented writer.