Two Lethal Lies

Romance - Suspense
400 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Brenda Casto for Readers' Favorite

Mitch Turner has been on the run, with his daughter Julia, for eleven years, bouncing from town to town, trying to avoid any attention.

While driving thru Crossroads TN, Mitch does a heroic act that causes him to become acquainted with a local family who offers to let them stay in their carriage house. Julia bargains with Mitch, she wants to make some friends and go to school, Mitch gives in, even though he knows the risk of staying in one spot too long.

Mitch gets a job as a short order cook and meets Neesy Brown,even though Neesy has sworn off of men,she quickly becomes enamored with Mitch because of his kind caring ways, and his obvious love for his daughter.

Just when Mitch starts feeling comfortable in his new home, the local police come after him accusing him of two murders, one in the town and one that took place 11 years ago. Lies he told are exposed, threatening everything he holds dear. The only person who he can turn to for help is Neesy.

How will he protect Julia if he is behind bars? How can he protect her from the person they have been running from for eleven years ?

This is an amazingly well written book with several plot twists, very well thought out characters; the hero and heroine are so down to earth normal making them very easy to relate to, and a villain who will send chills down your spine.

A very fast paced novel with murder, suspense, along with a touching tale of two people who come together to save a child and fall in love along the way.