The Rome of Fall

By Chad Alan Gibbs

It all starts at Rome High School, the heart of the football-obsessed community where Marcus Brinks learns the childish ways of successful adults, dodges the steroid-driven first string gladiators and falls in love for the first and only time. In 1994, all that mattered to...

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True Lovers' Knot

By Ross Naheedy

True Lovers' Knot is an exciting debut novel by Ross Naheedy. Mehran is an Iranian American in Chicago. Kirsten is a banker and when she crosses paths with Mehran, they fall in love over a passion for fine arts. Thus begins a journey back in...

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Risking Exposure

By Jeanne Moran

Imagine being judged and persecuted for something you couldn’t help; an illness that came suddenly and took away your ability to get around like everyone else. In Risking Exposure, fourteen-year-old Sophie is an avid photographer and member of the Hitler Youth. Like her father, she...

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Webs of Perception

By Darlene Quinn

Webs of Perception is a work of general fiction and interpersonal drama penned by author Darlene Quinn. As the final novel in the Webs series, we return to the tumultuous lives of the Taylor family in a story which continues the dramas of some family...

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Dakota and the American Dream

By Sameer Garach

In Dakota and the American Dream by Sameer Garach, as ten-year-old Dakota is spending the day in the park with his mother, he suddenly spots a Greenback Squirrel rushing past him with his Fitbit. Dakota's curiosity leads him to follow the squirrel into a hole...

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The Winter Sisters

A Novel
By Tim Westover

It was the spring of 1822 and Doctor Aubrey Waycross was called to Lawrenceville, Georgia. The mayor personally wrote to him about a case of rabies and was afraid that it might spread in his town. Waycross spent most of his money just to get...

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By Love Divided

The Lydiard Chronicles
By Elizabeth St. John

By referring to entries in the diary of her ancestor, Lucy, and other family members, Elizabeth St. John has recreated a beautiful story of love, family values, and empowered women in By Love Divided: The Lydiard Chronicles. After the tragic death of her husband, Lucy...

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The State

By Sean K Vlk

Disquieting. Suffocating. Distressing. In The State by Sean K. Vlk, the State controls everyone and everything. Citizens are only supposed to serve and obey. Agent 216 was raised by the State and owes everything he has to the State. But what is that if not...

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Life in the Morgue

By Lance Anderson

Life in the Morgue by Lance Anderson is the story of Greg who wanted a change from his job as a laborer with a demolition company. He came across a website listing open state jobs and he applied for the post of a morgue technician...

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Never Waste Tears

By Gloria Zachgo

Gloria Zachgo's historical novel Never Waste Tears is the story of five young people who settle on the Kansas prairies after the Civil War. The five characters, Nathan, Rebecca, Carl, Hannah, and Sarah, are the narrators. The title Never Waste Tears comes from the story...

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