
A Novel
By Linda Stewart Henley

Linda Stewart Henley's historical fiction story Estelle is based on the real-life visit to New Orleans in 1872-1873 by Edgar Degas, the French Impressionist painter. The novel has two interwoven storylines. One storyline is about Degas's time in New Orleans with his relatives, the Degas-Musson...

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Second in Command (The Antonius Trilogy)
By Brook Allen

Antonius: Second in Command is a work of fiction in the historical and interpersonal drama sub-genres, and was penned by author Brook Allen. Written for adult audiences, the novel does contain some use of explicit language, scenes of a sexual nature, and some graphic violence...

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Gift of Diamonds

By Roberta Seret

Gift of Diamonds by Roberta Seret is a compelling narrative with strong historical undertones and a story with a memorable female protagonist. The story follows seventeen-year-old Mica who sets off at night after the arrest of her parents by the Secret Police of the communist...

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Dance of the Restless Soul

By Ren'e Fedyna

All Lola wants is to sing and dance on stage for the world to see and admire her. The only problem is that Lola was brought up in a privileged Parisian home; her father was the Minister of Finance. There were certain expectations for Lola...

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The Boy King's Tale

True Adventure of the Young Life of England's King Edward III
By Michael January

The Boy King’s Tale: True Adventure of the Young Life of England’s King Edward III by Michael January takes us back on a journey to medieval England at the beginning of the fourteenth century, told through the narrative of the eminent Royal Court Poet, none...

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The Language of Equals

By David Ackley

The Language of Equals is a work of fiction in the historical, dramatic and cross-cultural fiction sub-genres, and was penned by author David Ackley. Set during the outbreak of the First World War in the United Kingdom, this incredible tale of retaining cultural identity but...

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Far Away Bird

By Douglas A. Burton

Before Theodora became Empress of Byzantium, she began her journey as the daughter of a bear keeper for the Green faction in Constantinople. When he died in a citywide revolt, her mother had few options when it came to caring for her three daughters. Years...

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Beneath the Splendor

By Jami Taylor

In 1853, a much-loved reverend is being tried for murder in the fictionalized true-crime novel, Beneath the Splendor by Jamie Taylor. While visiting her cousin, Elizabeth Carawan takes the maid's twelve-year-old daughter, Mary, to be her personal maid. Having grown up in servitude, Mary is...

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Survival of the Blood

By Beth Bristow

Survival of the Blood is a work of fiction written in the literary style by author Beth Bristow. Following themes of history, survival, personal sacrifice, and family duty, this highly engaging and immersive tale is set in Britain during the wars between Scotland and England....

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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Twain Papers

By Roger Riccard

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Twain Papers by Roger Riccard brings together two greats of the literary and detective world. We meet Samuel Clemens, his family, Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. Watson as they begin the investigation of the missing papers. While staying in...

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