The Black Widow

Bombs Cause a Panic in Boston
By Cynthia Fridsma

The Black Widow (Bombs Cause a Panic in Boston) by Cynthia Fridsma is a horror story that would appeal most to a diverse audience of mature young adults and adults who enjoy supernatural horror and who do not mind reading about the events surrounding the...

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Pressure To Mutilate

By Matthew Uzukwu

Pressure To Mutilate by Matthew Uzukwu is the story of a young man from Africa, Osak, who came to study in America and fell in love with a white woman, Ingrid. They married, and after three miscarriages Ingrid finally gave birth to their first child,...

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By Eric A. Yancy, M.D.

When the Q47cx pandemic breaks out, Dr. Alton (Al) McGuire and his wife Marnie are an elderly couple who take many precautions to protect their health. However, this is not enough, and Marnie falls ill because she is infected at the supermarket. Unfortunately, she does...

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The Light Reapers

End of the World
By Gary Hickman

The Light Reapers: End of the World by Gary Hickman is a terrorist thriller that meets all the qualifications any reader looks for in the genre. An elite team is out to stop one of the most dangerous threats that humanity has ever faced. It...

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Squeeze Plays

By Jeffrey Marshall

In Squeeze Plays by Jeffrey Marshall, business is the name of the game, money is the dice, and New York is the game board. Just when Whitehall Bank pulls the plug on Star Enterprises’ bad loan, Maxim Ripovsky rides to the rescue with a suspiciously...

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Mayan Shadows

The Crystals of Ahrum (The Maxwell Barnes Adventure Thriller Series)
By Craig A. Hart, S.J. Varengo

A motley crew of characters, consisting of an archaeologist, Max, his best friend, Axel, a young Mayan sporting a skateboard, Bembe, and Isabel, a Spanish beauty, is out to find the lost crystal of Ahrum. It is rumored to possess the capability of restoring the...

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Chance for Freedom

By Ron Sturm

In Chance for Freedom by Ron Sturm, Chance is not a man to sit back and watch someone being bullied. He is a man of action and with his background and skills, there is not much for him to fear. After a home invasion during...

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Doctor Assassin

A Medical Science Thriller
By Mark R Belsky, Jon DiSavino

Doctor Assassin: A Medical Science Thriller by Mark R Belsky and Jon DiSavino is a fast-paced action thriller that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat until the end. Dr. Max Dent was an ex-assassin for the Israeli Intelligence Services but that...

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Tio’s Protection

By Lyric Bellamy

With the death of Alexandria's mother and the disappearance of her vengeful father, Uncle Frankie was the only relative Alexandria would come to know for a long time. Determined to shield her from the agenda of a certain group of people, Uncle Frankie kept a...

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By Cynthia Fridsma

When I saw this book's cover and read the story blurb, I immediately thought of Alfred Hitchcock meets Rod Serling in Vanished by Cynthia Fridsma. What does Alex Gibbon missing without a trace, the charred dead body found in a car, the word Dreamscape written...

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