A History of Vampires

Legend & Lore
By Amanda Lewis

Jude, the reluctant King of his Immortal family, has found his Queen, and now they are ready to face their destiny, but first, they have to survive Marie and Ludwig's turbulent relationship woes. The family of eight set out together with three Wudges in search...

A Wizard's Sacrifice

The Woern Saga Book 2
By A.M. Justice

A Wizard's Sacrifice: The Woern Saga Book 2 by A. M. Justice tells the tale of Victoria, a woman gifted with extraordinary power, but like all magic, it comes with a price. She is on a mission of vengeance for everything that she has lost....

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A Suffragette in Time

By Connie Lacy

Sarah Burns is fascinated with the Hammond House Museum. She’s on a school trip learning about the Underground Railroad and this museum’s role in helping slaves escape to the north and freedom. What fascinates her most is the tiny hiding space where the former slaves...

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A Night at The King's Inn

By Alec Arbogast

A Night at the King’s Inn by Alec Arbogast is time travel that introduces readers to an unusually interesting character, Theodore, a guy who likes to go unnoticed and who loves to keep to himself. The reader immediately feels his anti-social nature as they encounter...

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Agents of Fortune

Marisol's Window
By Jeffrey Todd Evans

We can never change the things that we did or did not do in the past; we can only look back and wallow in regret. But what if you have the ability to go back and have the opportunity to make a difference or rectify...

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An Oddity of Some Consequence

By Gary Dickson

Is it a mystery? A romance novel? Science fiction? Or a travel and lifestyle brochure? How about all of the above? One thing An Oddity of Some Consequence by Gary Dickson is definitely not is boring. In modern-day Los Angeles, Robert Valmer, a suave, erudite,...

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A Boomer's Tale

By Darryl Nyznyk

A Boomer's Tale by Darryl Nyznyk is a wonderful story for fans of time travel. Jack Darrow is a trial lawyer who is not happy with his life. Julia, his wife, is a happy person and believes in the philosophy that “you live and then...

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By John Reizer

Aftermath: A Novel by John Reizer is the story of a man as he tries to make sense of the chaos around him. A graduate from the University of South Caroline, Kyle Wilson was a self-employed computer entrepreneur. It was close to Christmas when everything...

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A Newfound Land

The Graham Saga Book 4
By Anna Belfrage

A Newfound Land by Anna Belfrage is the fourth book in the time travel series The Graham Saga, which is preceded by book one, A Rip in the Veil, book two, Like Chaff in the Wind, and book three, The Prodigal Son. Time traveler Matthew...

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A Tea Time Traveler

The Mystery of Granny's Teapots
By Ramona Fields

Rachel has inherited her grandmother’s massive teapot collection. As she carefully unpacks each pot, washes it and puts it on display, her best friend, Lily, joins her and they discuss the merits of tea, something neither has really enjoyed, let alone made. With some research...

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