What If Jesus Were A Coach?

By Coach Michael Taylor

What If Jesus Were A Coach? is a self-help spiritual guidebook penned by Coach Michael Taylor to help readers attain spiritual enlightenment through the teachings of Jesus. A motivational speaker and entrepreneur with decades of experience, Coach Taylor relates his personal stories of childhood as...

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Mind, Body, World

Third in the Finding the Mind series
By William X. Adams

William X. Adams authored Mind, Body, World to open the reader’s mind to new ways of thinking concerning the relationship between those three subjects. He begins by discussing the difference between the “mind” and the “brain.” Once that basic concept is established, William develops and...

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Mysteries of the First Instant

Illuminating What Science Hasn’t Answered about the Inception of Our Universe
By Daniel Friedmann, Dr. Dania Sheldon

The question of the creation and the beginning of time has challenged both scientists and theologians for millennia. In Mysteries of the First Instant, authors Daniel Friedmann and Dania Sheldon explore the topic from an entirely fresh perspective. They set out to reconcile the scientific...

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A Theology for the Rest of Us

By Arthur Yavelberg

Arthur Yavelberg has authored A Theology for the Rest of Us, resisting the usual theological jargon and dogmatism. When I saw this title, I thought it would be a Christian volume written on the layman’s level. I was dead wrong. Arthur incorporates Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism,...

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Success Against the Odds

What Interesting People Did
By June Raleigh

Success Against the Odds: What Interesting People Did is a religious, philosophical, and spiritual introspection by Jane Raleigh that recounts the challenges faced by historical individuals that have transcended time. Raleigh’s relatively short book is divided into two parts: What Interesting People Did and The...

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365 Days of Abundance

How to Create a Life of Wealth, Happiness, Wisdom, and Inspiration through the 12 Universal Laws, the Principles of Success, and His Divine Word
By Judy Marie Balloff

In the world today we need a few things: a friend or two, a mentor, and a Higher Being to help us through tough times. Why not add a bountiful resource to that list. Judy Marie Balloff has developed a great tool that you can...

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Surviving The Divine

A Memoir Of Rude Awakening
By Raphael Cushnir

Surviving the Divine by Raphael Cushnir is Raphael’s account of his life before and after meeting his wife Hannah, an acupuncturist with her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and an actress. Raphael’s abusive upbringing during the 60s was devoid of love and nurturing. In 1991 at...

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One Family: Indivisible

A Spiritual Memoir
By Steven Greenebaum

One Family: Indivisible: A Spiritual Memoir by Steven Greenebaum follows the lifelong journey of a man born into a Jewish family who became an Interfaith minister while still walking the path of Judaism. In an engaging account of the events, people, challenges, and tragedies that...

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Dao De Jing

Gateway into Nature
By Aviilokín K'shi

Dao De Jing: Gateway Into Nature by Aviilokín K'shi is a portrayal of 81 verses written by Lao Zi, a record keeper and librarian in the court of the Zhou Dynasty, approximately 2400 years ago. Dao De Jing became the leading reference for Taoist philosophy...

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The Art of Failure

The Anti Self-Help Guide
By Neel Burton

The Art of Failure: The Anti Self-Help Guide, by the award-winning Neel Burton, is an enlightening guide on the beauty and importance of failure. With all the self-help books in the world, one would think there would be no such word as "failure." But we...

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