Waking Up in Heaven

Living with Purpose through Afterlife Wisdom
By Ellen Wier

Waking Up in Heaven: Living with Purpose through Afterlife Wisdom speaks about Ellen Wier's spiritual encounters after a near-death experience as a child. During those encounters, Wier met Jesus in the spiritual world and was filled with unimaginable peace, joy, love, and light. Music was...

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Who Do You Say I Am?

A Study Of The Messianic Secret
By Juan Novo

Who Do You Say I Am? by Juan Novo delves into the mystery of Jesus' Messianic Secret. It explores why his true identity was hidden from the people who were supposed to recognize him as the Messiah. The author examines Jesus' mission to die, the...

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World Peace of Glory and Senses

By Magic Mason

World Peace of Glory and Senses is a work of non-fiction in the educational, philosophical thinking, and sociocultural issues subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Magic Mason, this unique work challenges conventional wisdom by proposing that humans possess...

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What is the Bible?

Understand Its History, Find Personal Meaning, and Connect With Its Author
By Jack Wolf

What Is the Bible? by Jack Wolf is one of the best introductions to the Word of God I have seen in my over forty years of ministry. Jack explains how the Bible came into existence and its various societal influences. Do you know how...

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Waking Up To Your Self

A guide to living your truth
By Patrick Marando

Waking Up To Your Self is a work of non-fiction penned by author Patrick Marando in the inspirational writing, personal philosophy, and advice and guidance subgenres. Suitable for the general adult reading audience, the work is a profound guidebook that delves into the fundamental questions...

What Science Really Says About God and the Supernatural

By Shawn Adair Johnston

What Science Really Says About God and the Supernatural by author Shawn Adair Johnston is a work of non-fiction in the religion, spirituality, and science subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. In this interesting and highly original work, the author challenges...

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Wisdom From the Inner Oracle

Why Humanity Must Evolve
By Mohammed Ali Ejaz

Everyone has a purpose, and finding yours can help you live a more meaningful and fulfilled life. Unfortunately, many people find themselves living for the world and not for themselves. They lose their authenticity by trying to please others and doing what others want. In...

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Wild Child

101 Thoughts on Nature Vol.2
By Chad Von Dette

Wild Child (101 Thoughts on Nature Vol.2) by Chad Von Dette is an artistic book that highlights the various lessons we can learn from nature. The author encourages us to observe nature and find oneness within ourselves and our surroundings. A connection with nature will...

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When the Abyss Stares Back

Thus Replied Zarathustra
By Justin Mann

Life is a gift that allows us to impact the world around us. But what sort of impact do we have? Are we doing our best to better ourselves and our surrounding environment, or are we selling our souls in pursuit of success and material...

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Why Christians Are Wrong About Jesus

By John Campbell

John Campbell wrote Why Christians are wrong about Jesus in an attempt to prove that the historical Jesus was not who modern-day Christians believe he is. Chapter titles include Why Jesus Was Not the Christ, Why the Christ of Paul Replaced the Historical Jesus, and...

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