Your Future, Your Dreams

How to Retire Anywhere in the World
By Angie Brimer

Your Future, Your Dreams: How to Retire Anywhere in the World by Angie Brimer is a retirement destination guide. This book contains all the information you need to find the perfect retirement spot. The author gives well-detailed facts on the various retirement programs offered by...

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You're Not Crazy

Overcoming Parent/Child Alienation
By Lynn Steinberg PH D

You're Not Crazy: Overcoming Parent/Child Alienation was written by Dr. Lynn Steinberg Ph.D. to bring awareness of the issue on a professional, legal, and parental level. Parental alienation involves a child being taught to hate a parent without a valid reason. Steinberg provided several studies...

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You'll Never Find Us

A Memoir
By Jeanne Baker Guy

You’ll Never Find Us: A Memoir is a work of non-fiction in the autobiography subgenre. It is aimed at mature readers and was penned by author Jeanne Baker Guy. The book follows Jeanne after her ex-husband leaves the country with their children with no intention...

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Year of American Discontent

Essays on Crises of Division, Disinformation and Dysfunction in 2020
By Kris Murthy

Year of American Discontent: Essays on Crises of Division, Disinformation and Dysfunction in 2020 by Kris Murthy is a unique volume of thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the turbulent year of 2020. Indeed, it has been one of the most crisis-filled years in recent history....

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You Don't Want to Lose Your Girlish Figure

A Struggle with Childhood Obesity
By Mary Edwards EdD PhD

You Don’t Want to Lose Your Girlish Figure by Mary Edwards Ed.D., Ph.D., is a health and fitness non-fiction book that explores the core of the issues of childhood obesity. As a young child, Mary endured a traumatic experience. She lost the chance to be...

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You Got This

How to Wean off Opioids, Street Drugs and Prescription Medication with Little to No Withdrawal Symptom
By Dan Knudsen

You Got This: How To Wean Off Opioids, Street Drugs and Prescription Medication with Little to No Withdrawal Symptoms by Dan Knudsen is a highly informative self-help book that is easy to read and inspiring. With the help of the natural herbal remedy Kratom, he discusses...

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Year of the Flu

By Millys Altman

Year of the Flu by Millys Altman is the author's account - as reported to her by her own parents - of the 1918 influenza pandemic that ravaged the globe, affecting over five hundred million people worldwide. Narrated by Altman herself, the novella takes us...

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You Can't Buy Love Like That

Growing Up Gay in the Sixties
By Carol E. Anderson

In her sensitive and poignant memoir, You Can't Buy Love Like That: Growing Up Gay in the Sixties, Carol E. Anderson bares her heart and soul to readers so beautifully and intelligently that even if you aren’t gay and weren’t born into a Fundamentalist Christian...

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You Should Write a Book!

True Tales of An Unstable Life
By Kristan Braziel

You Should Write a Book! True Tales of An Unstable Life is a collection of anecdotes written by Kristan Braziel. Although life is meant to be easy, this memoir shows that some lives are a little bit more difficult than others, with a falling antique...

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You Are What You Tweet

Harness the Power of Twitter to Create a Happier, Healthier Life
By Germany Kent

You Are What You Tweet by Germany Kent is a guide to becoming Twitter savvy fast, and is a good reference to pick up the best Twitter etiquette. A very important part of using Twitter as a communication medium, the author tells us in the...

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