The Ledge Light

New London
By Diana K. Perkins

In The Ledge Light: New London, Diana K. Perkins has written a wonderful romance around a famous landmark in New London – Long Island Sound. The time period is the 20th century when LGBTQ persons were not readily accepted or tolerated. Any family who had...

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The Young Hellions Series (The Young Hellions Book 1)
By Braxton Cosby

Broken: The Young Hellions Book 1 by Braxton Cosby is about Keesa Donovan, who is 16, and her younger brother Kiran. They spend their days in the slave pod just outside Savannah, Georgia. When Keesa lost everything she cared about as a result of the...

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The Perfect Sister

By Zachary Ryan

Novels and films about girl friendships that end up in backstabbing are a dime a dozen, and most of them are dumb and forgettable. Zachary Ryan changes that with his intriguing and smart novel, The Perfect Sister. Tinsley is the main protagonist, a girl who...

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The Inked

By Kristina Streva

The Inked by Kristina Streva is set on the coast of Denmark. Yuri, Britt, and Tanis are “The Inked”, creatures born with tentacles because of an ancient curse. Kaleb, son of the king of Merfolk, impulsively trades healing balm for a tryst with Yuri. Unfortunately,...

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Lakehouse Déjà Vu

By RA Anderson

Lakehouse Déjà Vu is a young adult novel by RA Anderson that tells the story of two college students taking a break on a trip that would forever change their lives. Rose has always been very reserved, while Jessica is the more outgoing of the...

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Beans of Anafi

By Benjamin X. Wretlind

Seventeen-year-old Alexandros was the only child of his farmer parents. They were dirt poor and lived on the island of Anafi, where there was nothing to do except farm and fish. Alexandros was very annoyed at his father, who refused to grow anything but beans...

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Heart of the Forest

Cousin Friendship Series #1
By Hermione Lee

Set during a small family reunion on Thanksgiving Day, Heart of the Forest: Cousin Friendship Series #1 by Hermione Lee is about the unexpected magical adventure of two competitive cousins. Our protagonists are 12-year-old Ilyria and 14-year-old Jerry obliged by their parents to spend some...

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The Amalgam

The Aberration Book 1
By Michel Prince

The Amalgam is the first book of The Aberration series by Michel Prince. The Aberration Laws were passed when all children born in the year 2000 suddenly developed supernatural abilities out of the blue once they hit puberty. With authorities seeking to capture him, high...

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The 716

By S.J. Pratt

The 716 is the first novel in a series by S.J. Pratt. Set in the future, society as we know it was destroyed by the Wars of Men, and it was rebuilt with women in control. While women got to be the leaders with all...

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Because of the Night

By Rue L'Hommedieu

Rue L'Hommedieu's Because of the Night is the story of a spunky ten-year-old girl suffering from ADHD who has a hard time mingling with the members of her family. Vicky always felt out of place in her home. With a seemingly disinterested mother and a...

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