Echoe is the mother of two cute, quirky children who are growing up in a complicated world. Still tortured by the ghosts of her past, Echoe tries to navigate her way through life as a mother and as an independent woman who, despite having...
Echoe is the mother of two cute, quirky children who are growing up in a complicated world. Still tortured by the ghosts of her past, Echoe tries to navigate her way through life as a mother and as an independent woman who, despite having...
Struggling to prevent an apocalyptic event, a group of teens battles an evil entity from another world in the thrilling urban fantasy novel The Light Of the Dying (The Girl, The Pendant & The Portal, Book 2) by Michelle Reynoso. Recently Faith discovered her mother...
Skellig is the second entry in The Tales of Conor Archer by E. R. Barr and a great read for fans of urban fantasy. The tragedy at Tinker’s Grove that has left good people dead seems to be the work of magic. It is no...
“Mermaids were expected to be demure and to respect their betters which were always men.” And so goes the heart-breaking rule that is the premise of Anna Finch’s Voiceless: A Mermaid's Tale. Although this coming of age story is inspired by The Little Mermaid, Moriah,...
The Opal Amulet by Victoria Drozda is the first book in The Forbidden Gems of Regalia series. Emberly Tollens keeps having the same dream which is a sure sign that things are about to get worse. Little did she know just how right she was....
My Friend Jackson is a young adult urban fantasy novel written by Christopher D. Ochs. Jasmine’s safe and happy place, the basketball court, was suddenly not so safe now that she and her mom had moved out of the projects. Most of the girls playing...
The Essentialz by Paul Cicchini throws the spotlight on four groups of teenagers living in four different parts of America; Nevada, New Jersey, Florida, and North Dakota, and who are gifted with some great superpowers. These groups, Gliders from New Jersey, Diggers from Nevada, Surfers...
Leah Brown knew from an early age that she was different somehow; special. When she tried to help a fellow runner at school, who appeared to be suffering, she realized the instant she touched her that there was something seriously wrong with her and that...
As a child playing in the cellar of her house, called the underhouse, Kira feels a vibration coming from a pair of huge stone eyelids. There she meets Angras, a strange boy possessing superhuman abilities. He tells her he came through these eyelids. They soon...
Sword Fight: A Modern Medieval Adventure by Nathan Van Coops is the first book in the Kingdom of Engines series. Valerie's life was perfect. She was trained with her brother to wield a sword and has a thrill racing cars alongside her best friend. Valerie...