Captive Spirits
"Captive Spirits" the first book in the 'Legends of Aztar Series' by Mary Adair takes us to the planet of Aztar, a place that is never known to be at peace. There is a deep fear of those who wield mystical powers and use them...
"Captive Spirits" the first book in the 'Legends of Aztar Series' by Mary Adair takes us to the planet of Aztar, a place that is never known to be at peace. There is a deep fear of those who wield mystical powers and use them...
Janna McMahan has penned a novel that should disturb us all. She reminds us that there are homeless and hungry teenagers that need our help. Her latest book “Anonymity” introduces readers to Lorelei. Lorelei left Portland over a year ago making her way across the...
"The Further Adventures of Blackjack" is Ellen Feld's latest in the 'Morgan Horse series'. In this book, Heather has dreams of showing her Morgan named Blackjack in the Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Show in Oklahoma. After winning a regional title, Heather's dreams...
"Freeheads" is the third book in 'The Dark Trench Saga'. I definitely recommend reading these books in order. "Freeheads" takes place in a society where some people are implanted with a sensor making it almost impossible for them to disobey a command. Tthey have instant...
"Finding Esta", the first in "The Supes Series" by Shah Wharton, is what can be called the coming of age story of a woman (Luna) who struggles to define who she is. The world that she knows crumbles around her as she struggles in this...
The year is 1999 and the place is Egdon, New York, a rural town northwest of New York City. "The Rules of Dreaming" unravels in Palmer Institute, a private psychiatric hospital located around fifty miles north of Egdon. This is a place for the criminally...
The year is 1868 and Carnelian Wendell (Carni) can't believe it has been a year since her world changed forever. Associated with an outlaw, her past isn't something she is proud of. The thing is that she doesn't feel she belongs anywhere, so she decides...
In this piece of non fiction, the writer has presented the life story of Alina de Breos in her fight for the Gower peninsular. It includes important information about her family, Wales and England at that time period - including the famous fight between King...
Charlie Sparrow has no idea that he can fly till he falls from the top of the banister in the story Charlie Sparrow and the Secret of Flight: Tales of Tree City Book 1 by D.F. Anderson. Charlie holds out his wings and he realizes...
“The Art of Planning Allergen-Free Events” by Stephanie Courtney is a very informative book for those who are looking for information on food allergies, especially as related to event planning. For those who do not have food allergies on their own, this is a wonderful...
“Out of Bounds” by Bob Moseley is the gratifying and intriguing story of Jason Jefferson, an injured high school football player who turns to journalism while recovering from a torn ACL. Jason begins writing for the school newspaper after being inspired by a film in...
"A Quest for Skye" follows Drs. Morgan and Tammy Hamilton as they board a cruise after learning they will not be able to have children. That is where they meet nine year old Skye who is instantly drawn to them and they are captivated by...
Jackie Anton, the author of "Backyard Horse Tales 2", has boldly used the same literary device that Anna Sewell used in her novel "Black Beauty". The story begins from the horse's point of view, but deftly changes to human voices and points of view during...
Emallya Lorant, survivor of a devastating war between good and evil, is a Spirit mage - most importantly a rider who lost her beloved dragon, as well as a chosen guardian of the dragon eggs. As five hundred years passed, she embarked in a quest...
The story is set in Briarswood Cottage. Buster is the mogfather and Aslana, the surrogate mother. The scene opens with the cats waiting eagerly for the arrival of a new kitten. The initial chapters deal with the day-to-day lives of the cats in the cat...
Alicia is having a bad day. Fresh off the boat from small town Connecticut, she lands in big bad Washington D.C., to sit in the sweltering heat because the love she moved to be with has abandoned her. This is how we are introduced to...
Acadian Waltz introduces us to Nora Kehoe, a head strong outspoken physical therapist who mostly knows what she wants out of her life despite everyone telling her she'd be better off with a husband. Feeling pressured to settle down by her overbearing mother, Nora meets...
Coral reefs are the rainforests of the sea and one of the diverse ecosystems found on the planet. This book reveals unknown secrets about coral reefs and how they play an important part in balancing the growth and structure of our planet. Every detail connected...
"Torn Together" by Emlyn Chand tells the story of a young woman’s journey of self-discovery through her relationship with two unlikely individuals. Daly English is an art student in Oakland Community College. Her future as an artist is uncertain and her days in college are...
"Making the Connection: Getting Work to Work" by Jane Petrick is a short how-to book about making a better employee-work environment in any place of employment. The author deals with the issue of the employee setting up him or her self as a winner through...