30 Short Affirmations for Curly-Haired Kids

Children - Picture Book
33 Pages
Reviewed on 12/06/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

An affirmation is a positive declaration that you can say out loud to yourself. If children repeat an affirmation daily, it allows them to view themselves more positively. These phrases will help them feel more confident at school, at home, and with their friends. Some children don't feel comfortable with their hair because of its shape or color. Evita Giron's 30 Short Affirmations for Curly-Haired Kids will help them gain renewed confidence. In this book, different girls and boys discuss the reasons why they like their hair. They are all expressive and speak positively. Young readers will relate to their comments and appreciate the texture, shape, and color of their hair. Apart from the affirmations, Evita Giron also mentions hair care and how to keep it shiny and tidy.

From childhood, people establish thought patterns that can last a lifetime. It is preferable that from a young age they should learn to value themselves. In that respect, I found 30 Short Affirmations for Curly-Haired Kids to be most helpful. Here, doubts about if a hair type is beautiful or ugly disappear because all the characters are comfortable with their appearance. The boys and girls represented in this book vary in terms of their physical characteristics and in the activities in which they are involved. From this, readers will learn to accept both themselves and others. The illustrations are colorful and convey the relaxed mood of each affirmation. Each page shows a different scenario that will motivate readers to take care of their hair and show it off with pride. Using these examples, Evita Giron will boost children's confidence.