Amarel Mountain

Anu Awakes Series: Book Two

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
583 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Amarel Mountain by Lyn McGinnis, the collapse of Sama-Yava and the death of Majastas Zudaz-Vozev lead to mourning among the Sama-Yava circle, known as Doubles, while hostility rises between the Yakku of Thermistal and the Koru of Rho-Jashun. The plot centers on the significant discoveries made at Amarel Mountain and Bhampay, revealing that the Tolku might have anticipated the Killing Swath by altering the landscape. This discovery shakes up previous accounts and contributes to regional conflicts. The impact of these findings on the factions, their cultural and ritualistic responses, and the development of Healing Vats from Healing Jelly is massive. As discord erupts, the story examines efforts to preserve knowledge, address unresolved historical mysteries, and navigate shifting alliances and regional policies. Among these is news that Minosuk Nest plans to revoke its anti-Koru declaration, potentially influencing other regions to follow suit.

"This single document unlocks many mysteries while revealing more... This single document upsets whole libraries.” Lyn McGinnis does an excellent job of blending philosophy and the metaphysical in book two of the fantasy epic Anu Awakes series, Amarel Mountain. The most important factor is the development and description of the world she has built, bursting with not only landscapes, but also integrating unique cultural practices and societal structures, as well as extreme sensory depictions, like smells, textures, and sounds that become a part of every setting. The standout for me is the concept of the Yakku and Yeldic cultures, their customs, and their physiology. There is an incredible degree of skill and imagination in the “Double” aspect, and the process of “absorbing” children. Yeldic Doubles experience conception and transformation differently from other beings, which adds to the nature of their existence and is such a unique feature out of many McGinnis has built. The writing is strong, clear, and clean and Amarel Mountain is a welcome addition to the series. Very highly recommended.