Cristo & The Forbidden Tome

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
221 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Manik Chaturmutha for Readers' Favorite

Cristo and the Forbidden Tome by Angus Bessai is set in a fantasy world with dwarves, elves, and demon spawns who learn magic and seek adventures. The story follows Cristo, a dwarven bounty hunter who becomes a teacher at the prestigious college of Alim. He is assigned a mission to recover an ancient tome, making the mystery of the stolen tome and its retrieval his responsibility. During his mission, he meets a mysterious dwarven maiden whose captivating presence sparks unexpected feelings within him. The story includes episodes of drama, romance, and friendship, as well as scenes of violence and duels. Throughout the story, Cristo also yearns for his hometown. The narrative seamlessly blends elements of romance and thrills, creating a compelling and engaging story filled with unexpected turns and twists, along with dark humor.

Angus Bessai's writing style is both evocative and concise, skillfully communicating the emotional depth of the characters and the intensity of the plot. The personalities and mannerisms of the characters are effectively done, highlighting their innermost thoughts and sentiments. The sequence of events is structured well and progresses seamlessly in the narrative. The plot builds an appropriate amount of tension and suspense throughout. The title Cristo and the Forbidden Tome aptly represents the story as it captures and states the main elements of the narrative, highlighting Cristo and creating a sense of mystery and intrigue regarding the forbidden tome. The author constructed the story world effectively, creating a fantasy setting with dwarves, elves, demons, and magic spells. Bessai skillfully explores themes of old-fashioned love, violence, regret, and the complexities of human connection against the backdrop of a fantastical realm. The nuances of humor keep the narrative lighthearted. Overall, the story is crafted well with elements of romance, adventure, mystery, and introspection, making this a highly recommended read for those interested in a fantastical mystery.