Fiction - New Adult
305 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

#GIRLFIGHT by Suzanne McKenna Link is a new adult fiction novel centered around Jayden Jones, a determined young woman navigating the chaos of love, loss, and ambition. After discovering her boyfriend's betrayal, Jayden returns home, grappling with grief from her coach’s death and unresolved feelings for her first love, Cooper. A reality TV offer to face her ex’s new girlfriend in the MMA ring pushes Jayden into the spotlight, forcing her to fight for her dignity, career, and a second chance at love. Link has crafted a fiercely relatable and resilient protagonist in Jayden, whose personal and emotional battles mirror the physical ones in the ring in this really exciting and original novel.

It’s rare to see such a powerful and physical novel with a strong female lead, and the author captures the complexity of heartache versus ambition, making Jayden’s journey toward healing and self-discovery feel authentic and deeply resonant even as we see her growing in her career. In the highly dynamic central relationship drama of the story, the chemistry between Jayden and Cooper and unresolved feelings sizzle with brilliant dialogue that never gives too much away, offering hints of what’s to come in a way that keeps readers emotionally invested. Suzanne McKenna Link also tackles modern issues like media scrutiny, self-empowerment, and the pursuit of dreams, while layering them with themes of resilience and personal growth. This creates a story with both depth and excitement that is very timely for the era we live in and for all sportspeople in the spotlight. Overall, #GIRLFIGHT is a brilliant and enjoyable new adult novel that fans of accomplished modern drama will adore.