How Jojo Got Her Mojo Back

A Dysfunctional Family Saga

Fiction - Womens
229 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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Author Biography

Retired medical supplies rep now pursuing a second act as a writer. I’m writing for a underserved niche-the adult woman who has outgrown Chick Lit. Women like me. Older, wiser, with years of experience in so many areas other people don’t value until they’ve tried everything else. Now, they listen. Or they want to borrow money.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

I could already tell from the title that this would be a fun and exhilarating read and I was not wrong. In How Jojo Got Her Mojo Back, Cynthia A. King crafted a charming, riveting, and thoroughly enjoyable book. The story kicks off when Jojo’s husband, Ray, announces one evening that he’s leaving her. This shocking revelation serves as a wake-up call for Jojo, forcing her to reevaluate her marriage and her desires. Despite her children’s hopes that she will reconcile with Ray, Jojo remains steadfast in her decision for a divorce, especially after discovering the real reason for Ray’s departure and subsequent change of heart. With help and backing from a new and unlikely band of allies, Jojo confronts Ray with the truth in a spectacular and unforgettable showdown.

In How Jojo Got Her Mojo Back, Cynthia A. King created a feisty yet lovable heroine in Jojo. Her strength of character and straight-shooting attitude made her impossible not to love. Jojo’s journey of growth and self-discovery made her even more endearing. King explores various themes. One that resonated with me is the loss of identity that women may experience in marriage and the importance of prioritizing one’s happiness and well-being through friendships. I particularly enjoyed the well-structured dialogue, interlaced with light moments that not only felt natural but also played a crucial role in driving the plot forward. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy a feel-good narrative with an inspiring female lead.