Madam Ricketts

A Story of Murder, Deceit and Dark Humor

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
354 Pages
Reviewed on 05/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ronél Steyn for Readers' Favorite

C.D. Hancock brings us a colorful murder mystery in Madam Ricketts. When John Wesley Jr. finds some old photographs in his father’s belongings, he is delighted when Maudie agrees to shed some light on the events leading up to that one instance. As a second-generation newspaper reporter, he believes he might even be able to write a book about what Madam Maudie reveals in the comfort of her La Rosa Luna resort. At her age, Maudie Ricketts should have a wealth of knowledge to draw from. Unless that eye of hers is an indication of what is left of her mind. As John Wesley is pulled deeper and deeper into the history, he discovers that things are not as they appear. It is 'A Story of Murder, Deceit and Dark Humor.'

C.D. Hancock sets the stage perfectly for easy entry into the world of the antagonist. Sensory stimulation is evident with intoxicating descriptions teasing the reader throughout. The pace is steady, and the plot keeps pushing the reader toward the end. The protagonist’s perspective is written in the first-person narrative. This makes the read a little more personal along with some guaranteed delusions, as was intended. With a vibrant array of characters, the author has guaranteed the weaving of an interesting story that readers will not forget. I wouldn’t recommend this book to younger readers because of the violent content and the explicit language. Madam Ricketts: A Story of Murder, Deceit and Dark Humor will have readers reeling from the revelations!