Mic Drop

A Cozy Mini-Mystery

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
70 Pages
Reviewed on 06/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

Jwyan C Johnson's Mic Drop is a thought-provoking mystery thriller about a rap star, Flex, who is known for pushing boundaries. Flex is painted as a self-centered rap mogul who always gets what he wants. He is well-known for putting his needs first, even with the people he loves. His wife takes him to court after she discovers that he is unfaithful to her. She is determined to teach him a much-needed lesson. Even celebrities need to be taught a thing or two about humility, but Flex isn't exactly a willing learner. Flex ends up being charged with murder through a twist of events. The case isn't as clear-cut as it should be, though. The jury has the hardest job of all. Amidst surprise witnesses and questionable testimonies, the jury (and the reader) is wondering the same thing. Is Flex really a murderer or is he being framed? Read the book to discover what becomes of Flex; the unlikely villain in this story.

I enjoyed reading Mic Drop. There are so many unexpected twists and turns in this tale, but eventually, they all fit together perfectly with the rest of the story. This is an amazing whodunit novel to keep you occupied over the next few days. It's a quick read with relatable characters. I particularly enjoyed reading about the characters in the criminal defense firm. They are all dynamic in their own way. Unlike other mystery books that may take a considerable amount of time to get to the point, this one hits home. Jwyan C Johnson's writing style, descriptive at times, is also candid and succinct. This novel reminds the reader about the importance of fact-checking before rushing to conclude. I recommend it to mystery lovers searching for a book that's a little unorthodox, but wholly enjoyable.