
Primed for Peace

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
329 Pages
Reviewed on 06/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Our childhood experiences can greatly affect the kind of adults we become, as seen in Roar: Primed for Peace by Sophia Elan. Various events shaped her life. Being sexually abused by her own father was the most consequential. This was repressed until her best friend convinced her to see a therapist. Her father also didn't recognize her efforts academically until she became a successful lawyer. Her father also said her marriage can only be for sexual or financial reasons. This affected her romantic life in that she went the extra mile for unworthy people. Another experience that shaped Sophia is the attempted murder by her first husband. 

Roar: Primed for Peace by Sophia Elan is not just a story of courage and resilience but also of hope. Hope that, despite our experiences, we can rise above them and start the healing process. She rightly notes that healing is messy and spontaneous, but worth it. This wonderful work also pointed out the importance of seeking professional help and having supportive people around, like Mike. Another thing that I realized was that abuse can come from all avenues, even family members, which makes it important to be observant and look for indicators of abuse. Sophia was vivid with the descriptions of her life events and emotions, which not only added to the overall beauty of the book but also made it effective in passing on the intended message. I look forward to reading something else by Sophia about her experiences, especially her numerous travels.