Simple S.A.L.A.D.S.

A Salad Recipe Book with a Twist

Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
106 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2022
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Author Biography

Bridget is an author and publisher with a focus on wellness. She is a Certified Lifestyle Coach for the Diabetes Prevention Program and is also a Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach who has been on her own personal wellness journey for several years.

Bridget lives what she shares and has sustained success over the years through consistency and awareness and with NO GIMMICKS. She absolutely loves helping others learn to do the same, one wise choice at a time!

She has produced practical tools - books, music, & a podcast - to encourage others on their wellness journeys. The music and podcast episodes are streaming on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, and more!

She is blessed to be able to use her skills to help others improve their wellness and accomplish their God-given desires.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

What is your specific health goal and what are you willing to do to reach your mark? Tough questions? Well, we always need a plan in life, that is if we want to live a healthy, sustainable life. Simple S.A.L.A.D.S.: A Salad Recipe Book with a Twist by Bridget McCray shows that it all starts with the food we eat. After all, the proverbial saying says it all: we are what we eat. If you’re looking for a healthy change of diet, perhaps you need to consider eating fresh, wholesome vegetables and fruits. What better way than to create a tasty salad! Have you considered making a salad with spinach, blueberries, and celery? It may sound like an unusual combination; it certainly did to me. But think of all the health benefits packed into each one of the ingredients: antioxidants, fiber and so much more.

Bridget McCray’s cookbook, Simple S.A.L.A.D.S. is a creative and innovative collection of some pretty snazzy salad recipes. Packed with lots of helpful (and healthful) advice, this book will lead readers on the path to a sustainably healthier diet. Each section is introduced with some key points to consider. The recipes are accompanied by a mouth-watering photograph, an orderly list of ingredients, instructions on how to ‘toss’ the salad, and some health-wise tips on the ingredients. The author doesn’t claim medical expertise. She insists everyone consult with a medical professional before making a drastic dietary change. Her recipes, stories, and insight are well thought out from years of experience and experimentation. This makes an interesting recipe book to inspire readers to think creatively while preparing healthy foods.