Teeth of the Dragon

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
330 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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Author Biography

Andrew Ceroni, an Amazon best-selling author, draws from his distinguished career as a Senior Supervisory Special Agent focused in counterespionage and antiterrorism. His real-world experience fuels the gripping authenticity of his novels. Ceroni holds a BS from the U.S. Air Force Academy and an MA from Case Western Reserve University, with additional studies in German and French at the University of Maryland. A member of the Authors Guild, he crafts intense, action-packed stories that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

All hell was about to break loose for the CIA, but Agent Dave McClure was about to face the biggest challenge of his career. It all starts in Jerusalem, Israel, where after several abduction attempts on US embassy officials. Dave is sent to help the embassy strategize on their next move, only to find himself in a covert operation that puts him up against a Hezbollah terrorist cell. Following the success of this operation, Hezbollah tracks him back to the States and abducts him. Dave has to risk it all and escape his captors, or be tortured and lose his life for the cell’s cause. As if that is not enough, embassy officials in Tokyo are being bullied, threatened, and beaten by Yakuza members. Dave is sent to Japan by the CIA, but the stakes seem higher. Will Dave survive what awaits him in Japan? Find out in Andrew Ceroni’s Teeth of the Dragon.

Once they flip it open, fans of espionage thrillers will not peel their eyes off this page-turner until they are on the last page. Featuring an exciting and dynamic cast, Ceroni weaves an intriguing plot with action-packed and vividly depicted scenes. I was plunged into a world of hitmen, terrorists, spies, double agents, martial arts, adventure, thrills, action, and so much more. The tone of the storyline and the plot twists I never saw coming had me on the edge of my seat. One moment I was watching Dave being subdued by Hezbollah as he left his gym practice. The next thing I knew, my heart was pounding its way out of my chest as I watched him blindly seek his way out of the mountains of West Virginia, narrowly escaping torture. Andrew Ceroni brings out the well-crafted cast’s traits and emotions, allowing me to connect with them. In Teeth of the Dragon, Dave is a daring, bold, intuitive, risk-taking, calculating, and savvy agent you will enjoy.