The Last Keeper's Daughter

Fiction - Paranormal
280 Pages
Reviewed on 05/11/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Dianna Skowera for Readers' Favorite

“The Last Keeper’s Daughter” by Rebecca Trogner is a genre breaker that seeps into fantasy, humor, romance, adventure, and epic thriller. Lily has always been unique and suffered from severe social disorders at best without medical explanation. The frail young woman receives more than a diagnosis upon the mysterious disappearance of her father Walter. Given shelter and protection, from what she knows not, a man named Krieger takes Lily into his elaborate home where she discovers the world is much more complex than she was taught. The biggest mystery, however, is that Lily is not what she or the ‘Others’ thought and everyone becomes entwined in unraveling her history as well as the dark secrets of their own. Characters you could never imagine exist in this suspenseful and eerie world within our own. Throw in a surly and sarcastic detective and you have got a refreshing voice of reason throughout a realm of madness to mere mortals. There is a corn field sprouting in Iowa that will whisper, "If Trogner writes, people will read it."

“The Last Keeper’s Daughter” puts new meaning to the words original and flawless. Rebecca Trogner shows that imagination knows no bounds through the uncanny and eerie beings she creates in “The Last Keeper’s Daughter”. Never before have I seen a book where every single sentence counted for something; Trogner displays writing at its finest without an ounce of fluff or filler. “The Last Keeper’s Daughter” is frighteningly intriguing when even its terrifying characters show unique display of fear. This is not your typical vampire story; Trogner manifests unimaginable creatures and redefines description that makes your mind see a world. That makes “Star Wars” look as basic as “Sesame Street”. After reading “The Last Keeper’s Daughter”, I’m convinced Rebecca Trogner could rewrite the phone book and make it a best-seller. Five stars don’t do “The Last Keeper’s Daughter” justice.

Jack Magnus

Lily Ayres is the Last Keeper's Daughter. Her father, Walter, arranges with the king of the vampires, Krieger, for him to take Lily under his protection. Lily is different from most other young women of her age and social class, and Walter fears for her safety. She rarely speaks or makes eye contact, is undersized and unhealthy, and has been the subject of psychological counseling to determine if she is autistic or has some other similar condition. Lily's life is drastically changed; first, when she is taken to meet Krieger, and later, at the charity auction which she has sponsored on her family's estate. When she goes out into the garden to escape the crowds, she is overtaken by a chilling paralysis and falls, breaking bones and losing consciousness. Krieger's wizard, Merlin, is unable to heal her and advises that Krieger let her die. This Krieger is unable to do, and he saves her by feeding her his blood.

Rebecca Trogner's contemporary fantasy is brilliant! Her prose is lyrical and transports the reader to the woods of the Blue Ridge Mountains where Lily lives. Krieger is the consummate vampire, and the interactions between him and Lily are intriguing and not at all what you would expect. "The Last Keeper's Daughter" is filled with fantastic creatures such as the Bast and the Dragon Men, known collectively as the Others, which have discreetly shared the earth with humans for ages, but are now presenting themselves at Krieger's compound for protection from the growing threat of darkness. This is a highly entertaining and mesmerizing fantasy that kept me enthralled to the last word. Is there to be a sequel? I'll be watching for it.