The Phoenix Quest

Isle of the Phoenix Novels Book 1

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
342 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

After playing another mean prank on his favorite target, Roy is punished and labeled a delinquent—someone whose fate is worse than that of a vagabond. Fortunately, Roy is allowed to embark on a quest to find the phoenix’s nest to redeem himself. However, the journey is not for the faint-hearted, and the last person who attempted it three years ago failed to return. Roy is joined by Prince Bain and an unlikely companion, who is none other than the girl he bullies and calls Skinny Minnie. He must find a way to get along with his new companions as they face multiple serious threats on their journey. Greg Baker's The Phoenix Quest is a riveting plot filled with danger, magic, and promises. Can these three protagonists survive thieving elves, fierce trolls, and a manipulative enchanter? 

Greg Baker's characters are charming and sophisticated and I felt myself liking them effortlessly. Roy and Minnie go from being enemies to having to work together to survive. Their relationship conveys the importance of choosing kindness over bullying and name-calling. In general, The Phoenix Quest is a book with many wholesome messages that Christian parents would love to share with their children. Also, the fascinating magical elements are a thrill to follow, from complex creatures like the gift-bestowing phoenix to the intricate magical rules. Greg's writing is completely smooth and enjoyable, with no overwhelming details and overly fast scenes. All in all, Greg has written a story for young adults that's as compelling and thrilling as the plots of epic fantasies like The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. I couldn't get enough of its smart mix of energetic characters, suspense-filled danger, and mind-blowing magic!