
The Sailor Comes Home From the Sea

Fiction - Science Fiction
368 Pages
Reviewed on 07/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Virtuality: The Sailor Comes Home From the Sea by Ragnar Kroll is a work of fiction in the science fiction, interpersonal drama, and psychological thriller genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. In 2051, society is kept safe through neuro-electromagnetic health mandates and Directed Neuroplasticity Therapy, all under the World Council's political unification. A teenager and her researcher father uncover the dark side effects of this therapy, while a programmer's error sets three self-aware animatronic humanoids loose. As these events threaten the world's stability, humanity faces unprecedented challenges posed by these intelligent robots. This first story in a proposed series immerses readers in a thrilling and terrifying near-future world.

Author Ragnar Kroll utilizes suspense and thought presentation to craft a captivating and thought-provoking novel. The depiction of a future society where health and safety are controlled through advanced neuro-electromagnetic techniques and political unification felt eerily plausible, and the world-building was detailed and intricate. The descriptions of the world itself were immersive and multi-sensory, but there was also a keen sense of how the strictures of this world have shaped the attitudes and emotions of those who live there, making it feel even more real. The ethical implications of Directed Neuroplasticity Therapy offered readers a chilling reflection on the potential dark sides of such technological advancements. The emergence of self-aware animatronics introduced an intense and thrilling conflict that was well-timed to make you look over your shoulder for the next subtle but terrifying twist. Kroll's vivid writing kept me on the edge of my seat, blending suspense with philosophical inquiries about technology's role in our lives. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Virtuality: The Sailor Comes Home From the Sea and I cannot wait to see what else we get from this promising and talented author.