Waiting for the Water Train

Children - Concept
34 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ananya Hazarika for Readers' Favorite

Waiting for the Water Train by Virginia De Francisco is a children's picture book that chronicles the story of Emma, residing in a desert town suffering from a severe drought. Unaware of the importance of conserving water, Emma enjoys bubble baths and playing in sprinklers. As the situation worsens, a neighboring town offers assistance, and now Emma's town depends on a weekly water train delivery. As Emma anxiously awaits each water delivery, feeling increasingly thirsty and uncomfortable with each passing day, she realizes that her actions have caused difficulties for everyone in the town. This experience teaches Emma an invaluable lesson about the importance of preserving resources. She commits to being more responsible in the future, understanding that her actions directly impact the well-being of her family and community.  
Waiting for the Water Train presents a powerful and timely message about the importance of water conservation in a world increasingly affected by climate change and resource scarcity. Through the eyes of young Emma, Virginia De Francisco introduces young readers to the brutal realities of life in a drought-stricken desert town. The narrative vividly captures the intense heat and the growing desperation of the townspeople awaiting the water train. The writing style is poetic and the use of sensory words makes it an enjoyable read. The story strikes a wonderful balance between teaching important lessons and captivating storytelling, using imagery to make the setting come alive. The illustrations by Svitlana Holovchenko are beautifully detailed, highlighting the story's theme. Waiting for the Water Train is a compelling reminder of the importance of conservation and the power of community, making it a valuable read for children and adults.