Crushing the Devil
"Crushing the Devil" will open your eyes and astound you with things about the devil you never thought were possible! This novel hit home for me because it came at the right time in my life to open my eyes to the real power we...
"Crushing the Devil" will open your eyes and astound you with things about the devil you never thought were possible! This novel hit home for me because it came at the right time in my life to open my eyes to the real power we...
I was honored to meet Ms Higgs at a book fair and again at the taping of the DVD that goes along with this book. Every time I meet her I become teary eyed and giddy. She never puts on airs and she always makes...
Gabe Murfitt and his mother Gigi Devine Murfitt have provided us with a wonderfully inspirational book in “My Message is C.L.E.A.R.: Hope and Strength in the Face of Life’s Greatest Adversities.” C.L.E.A.R. is an acronym created by Gabe that explains his focus on how to...
I've always heard that a Downs Syndrome child is so precious with a blooming and wonderful personality and always smiling. After I read Matt Patterson’s book about his daughter Emily, I can truly agree. As you can imagine, Matt and his wife Bonnie were beyond...
Monika Wilbanks is a now ordained Deaconess who once travelled the world doing missionary work until she met her spiritual teacher, Olumba Olumba Obu, the man who ordained her. Ms.Wilbanks knows her history quite well as she speaks of Africa being the cradle of civilization...
In “Is God Saying He’s the One?” author Susan Rohrer talks about hearing from Heaven about the man in your life. I recently saw a Pinterest post that read, “If he doesn’t care about your soul, he’s not your soulmate.” That post is the crux...
Christopher West, author of "At the Heart of the Gospel", has done in-depth research into Catholic Church theology and writes well of the writings of many noted church theologians, most especially the late Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body". Author West does not...
It happens to all of us. Everything seems to be going great for us, then we get news that knocks life right out from under us. That was what happened to this author, and this is why she decided to write this book. Tracy thought...
Betty Collier's Angel In My Room is a heart warming, emotionally moving story of hope and life. I hardly ever read these kinds of books, but once in a while I will, and this one just reached out, gripped me and never let go. Ms....
"The Plea for Righteousness" is backed by great amounts of knowledge and research that the authors document well and they advise the reader to read this book in its entirety. The authors want African-Americans to understand that they are the original Israelites and that this...