Abigail's Window
Kaitlyn Novacs feels like she is floating away. She lost the one she loved and it feels like she may never be able to recover from it. In an attempt to get her life back, she goes for a weekend at Niagara Lake and soon...
Kaitlyn Novacs feels like she is floating away. She lost the one she loved and it feels like she may never be able to recover from it. In an attempt to get her life back, she goes for a weekend at Niagara Lake and soon...
All I Left Unsaid: A Latina's Journey Toward Truth by Rosy Crumpton is a moving US immigrant story that may sound all too familiar to many. As a young girl, Olivia Batista leaves behind her home, relatives, father, school, and everything her little heart has...
Avhi’s Flight is a work of personal dramatic fiction on inspiring themes penned by author Janet Johnson Anderson. Set against the incredible backdrop of the Nepalese countryside, our story follows the adventures of title character Avhi as she struggles against a culture that continues to...
A Predator and a Psychopath is a work of chilling psychological thriller fiction penned by author Jay Kerk. Playing on the tricks of the mind and how frightening these can be, we find ourselves following the journey of mental patient Jason. Recently admitted, Jason is...
An Island Entire Unto Itself is a work of historical fiction based on real events, penned by author Nigel Patten, which promises ‘A portrait of Corsica at the end of the 18th century’. Set during a time when the people of Corsica desired independence from...
In Adelicia: Grace, Grit and Gumption by Joyce Blaylock, it's the end of the 1830s and twenty-one-year-old Adelicia makes her entrance into Nashville society, winning the heart of an older man by the name of Isaac Hayes, a wealthy slave trader and planter. He is...
A Fox in the Fold: A Runway Dreams Novel by T.K. Ambers is a crime thriller with strong hints of espionage. Bell Price is shocked and she knows things will never get back to normal. After her parents’ murder, an attack on the police department...
In A Matter of Identity by Susan Tuttle, with the sudden suicide of her father, Marina was left in a new country she didn’t know, with not much money on her person, and a rack of debt that the unstable man who raised her had...
Abraham's Other Children: The Arabs by Heidi Tawfik is a historical novel divided into three sections, namely 1800 BC-300 AD Origins, 300 AD-450 AD The Age of Ignorance and Beyond, and 450 AD- 632 AD Culmination. It encompasses over twenty-five centuries of history that is...
Area Bird is a work of military fiction based on real events, penned by author Susan I Spieth. This coming of age novel is the second in the Gray Girl series, following the experiences of women cadets in the 1980s when the US Military Academy...