The In-Between Years

The MisFit, Book 3
By AB Plum

The In-Between Years is a thriller by A.B. Plum. While this is the third book in Plum’s series, the author gives enough background information for this book to be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel. Twelve-year-old Michael and his step-brother, Dimitri, were still stunned by the...

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Evangeline's Ghost

By C. A. Pack

Don’t be fooled by this book’s cover. Evangeline's Ghost: Houdini, by C.A. Pack, is a light-hearted suspense story, with humor, heavenly interference, action and wit. It has criminals, tough New York cops, thieves, swindlers and kidnappers. Oh, and I almost forgot: ghosts. Gabriella, a teenage...

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Heir of Zion

By Brittany Nicole Lewis

In Heir of Zion, Michael has been left behind in Zion by his family. Although he has the help and support of David’s parents, Michael feels lost and alone. He struggles with missing his family and not understanding why they left in the first place....

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The Serathari Prophecy

By J.M. Ashcraft

Born a vampire with nothing but vague memories of her past, Sera has lived for centuries feeling alone and disconnected from the world around her. The only constant is the moon that comforts her when she wonders if she is living her undead life to...

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Family First

The Friessens Book 7
By Lorhainne Eckhart

The marital struggles of a young couple become inconsequential when tragedy strikes in the poignant romance novel Family First (The Friessens Book 7) by Lorhainne Eckhart. After six months of newlywed bliss, eighteen-year-old Katy is happy and contented with her life. She is finally married...

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Always Here

By S.L. Mauldin

Always Here is a young adult/new adult coming of age novel written by S.L. Mauldin. They were best friends, and always had been, ever since Miranda and Christian first met in grade school. The two had always sworn that they’d eternally be together and that...

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The Lay of LaLa Land

By A.Y. Miles

If you decide to tackle The Lay of LaLa Land by A.Y. Miles, expect the unexpected. Expect to find yourself laughing out loud at Lenny Dushoff’s wild mental meanderings, social and personal insecurities, and multitude of physical…or is it psychosomatic…ailments. Expect to be repulsed by...

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From Beer To Maternity

By Julie Hodgson

From Beer To Maternity is a humor novel written by Julie Hodgson. What could be worse than coming back to work having to face co-workers who had witnessed your descent into a glorious, full-out drunken stupor where you bet everyone and anyone that you can...

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The Stargazer's Embassy

By Eleanor Lerman

The Stargazer's Embassy by Eleanor Lerman is a gripping sci-fi story about alien abductions with great flair of originality and a cast of compelling characters. Julia Glazer has known about alien abductions since she was a child; her experience wasn’t a pretty one and not...

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The Summer of Crud

By Jonathan LaPoma

The Summer of Crud is a new adult literary fiction novel written by Jonathan LaPoma. With college behind him and the not-too-exciting future of beginning a teaching career looming before him, Danny was more than ready for a road trip. It would be the road...

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