Bedloe: A True Fable by Tony Powers is a dystopian novel set in the year 2040 in a bleak version of New York. The protagonist, John Bedloe, and his son James live under the oppressive rule of a totalitarian regime, a direct result of the...
Bedloe: A True Fable by Tony Powers is a dystopian novel set in the year 2040 in a bleak version of New York. The protagonist, John Bedloe, and his son James live under the oppressive rule of a totalitarian regime, a direct result of the...
Building Bridges by Ralph and Lynda Homan follows Barney Keller's journey after receiving an encrypted message unlocking access to the seventh dimension. From this, we see Barney's insight, including encounters with deceased loved ones and reflections on human responsibility, and aims to bridge heaven and...
By Means of Peace is a work of fiction penned by author Don Johnston in the political thriller, interpersonal drama, and suspense subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. In this thrilling novel set in 2148, we follow the story of...
Bucharest Legacy: The Rise of the Oligarchs is a political thriller by William Maz. CIA agent Bill Hefflin’s mission was to escort a KGB officer out of Romania. The mission went awry when Bill was suspected of being a KGB mole. The mole’s handler was...
Botland328 by Dick Blide is a sci-fi novel set in a not-too-distant future where alien civilizations and their bots have already made contact with humanity and play a crucial role on Earth. Maxid, the bot CEO of CEAF (Center for Earth Affairs), faces fierce opposition...
Breaking News of Tomorrow by Igor Chirashnya is a chilling political thriller. Mike’s life is nothing special. He plods along at his job but is fed up with not getting anywhere. His life changes when he stumbles across a website called Breaking News of Tomorrow....
Buzz Bombs by James Huber is a historical drama that sheds light on the origins of UFO conspiracies and the craze following real-life events post World War II. The war is ending, and German forces are retreating. Ordered to defend Berlin, the German army left...
We witness a return to Liberia in West Africa as Daniel V Meier’s hero Ken Verrier and his wife Sam take a month’s trip to buy diamonds to finance their future back in the United States. The country is run by the descendants of people...
Miguel and Mary Carmen Gonzalez emigrated from Venezuela to Lincoln Park, a suburb of Detroit, in 2011. They have two children, 9 and 7 years old, and both work in a nearby plant. Although they entered the country legally, they never sought citizenship due to...
Between the Walls of Time by Michael Stafford blends political, scientific, and social theories with a few splashes of murder, arson, corruption, FBI surveillance, and Cherokee mysticism into a storyline relevant for today. The plot opens in 1970 when Cyrus, a young Army Ranger, returns...