
By Dan Simmons

Dan Simmons offers readers a thriller in flashback. The story follows Nick Bottom as he investigates the death of a government adviser. Neither the police, nor the security team, solved the murder. Nick investigated the murder as a police officer. Now five years later, the...

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Red, White and Boom

By Karl Puttlitz

Red White and Boom by Karl Puttlitz is a novel dealing with espionage, terrorists and murder. With stockpiles of highly enriched uranium scattered over more than 30 nations abroad, Russia has enough to create a vast supply of nuclear bombs. When a theft of plutonium...

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The 19th Element

A James Becker Nuclear Thriller
By John L. Betcher

A murder, a suspect, a nuclear plant with a spent fuel reactor that no one wants to discuss, potassium, a terrorist plot and two stolen truckloads of fertilizer, plus a couple of Mongolian goons, makes for a thrilling race-against-time plot in this novel, The 19th...

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Amarillo Mariposa

By D. Rudd Wise

We met Jess E. Hanes in the book, Operation: Eyewitness, where he witnessed the murder of a high official in the Moroccan government. After quite an adventure involving drug smugglers and terrorists, Jess returned home to a magnificent ranch, a gift from the King of...

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The High Ground

A Novel of Terror in San Francisco
By Mark P. Cotter

In the High Ground by Mark Cotter people in San Francisco lived their everyday life never expecting terrorists had targeted the city to be their next victims. They had no idea the world as they knew it was about to change. At 8 a.m. the...

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Leave No Child Behind

By R. Overbeck

After terrorist Asad Akadi was sentenced to death for an act of terrorism on US soil. The prisoner would be a temporary resident of the Hammerville Security Facility in Hammerville, Ohio. A terrorist cell was assigned to rescue Asad. The carefully planned attack included taking...

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Hell's Corner

The Camel Club
By David Baldacci

Oliver Stone is back in David Baldacci's newest Camel Club adventure novel, "Hell's Corner." Oliver is called back into service by the President, but on the way to answering that call he is nearly killed in a bombing very close to the White House. Since...

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The Ovary Wars

By Mike Hogan

In The Ovary Wars, terrorists have devised a new scheme for destroying the United States. When the Professor joined forces with China to develop his theory on population control, he never expects the Chinese to use his theory to attack the US. US women cannot...

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Jerusalem 3,000

By Olivia Rodan Jacobs

An Israeli agent in Rome knows she has been poisoned and turns to an American, Kate Gottlieb, to deliver a message Shin Bet agent Ari Yannai. After Ari witnesses a contact between the Gottlieb woman and a Palestinian, Ayub Farid, who is a suspected terrorist,...

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The Lathe of God

A Quest for Noah's Ark
By Angus L Franklin

The setting is post 9/11. Bio-terrorists have unleashed multiple viruses including anthrax, small pox, and a virus so evil that we can only begin to imagine the implications. RAPAIDS (a cross between the Parvovirus and AIDS virus) began by destroying livestock, causing a famine throughout...

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