Unstick Your Stuck
I once had a friend say she felt like she was putting on prison fatigues every morning when she got dressed for work. The day was a heavy weight on her, from the time she got up until she attained "freedom" at the end of...
I once had a friend say she felt like she was putting on prison fatigues every morning when she got dressed for work. The day was a heavy weight on her, from the time she got up until she attained "freedom" at the end of...
Destination Earth: A New Philosophy of Travel by a World-Traveler is a nonfiction travel reference guide written by Nicos Hadjicostis. Bored with his everyday life, the author set off to discover the world, a continuous voyage that took him 6.5 years to complete and allowed...
Are you ready to live your best life? Have you read other self help books and wondered "how am I supposed to do that?" Do you not feel fully connected with life and your true purpose. Look no further than Own Best Friend - Eight...
Rise and Decline: Where We Are and What We Can Do About It by Bruce D. Thatcher is a timely book that explores the political crisis in the US. As the saying goes, “What goes up must come down,” so every nation that rises must...
In Flex Mom: The Secrets of Happy Stay-at-Home Moms, author, mom, and life coach Sara Blanchard tackles the sometimes toxic dichotomy of motherhood. Are you a Working Mom or a Stay at Home Mom? Instead, she offers a third choice; one that rightfully puts the...
The Invisible Advantage: How to Create a Culture of Innovation by Soren Kaplan is a book on business organization and management centered around creating a culture of innovation, as the title suggests. The Invisible Advantage begins with a brief introduction on the topic of what...
Valley Speak: Deciphering the Jargon of Silicon Valley by Rochelle Kopp and Steven Ganz is an insider’s guide to the famous Silicon Valley of California. Valley Speak is written by authors who themselves have experience working here, and they have provided a how-to guide in...
Mostly Momentous Minutes, Mawkish Memories, and Myopic Musings Beyond: Stories Of Life From The Moose State And Beyond is a nonfiction collection of humorous memoirs written by Marc E. Zimmerman. Zimmerman grew up in the small coastal town of Bath, Maine. His early stories recount...
Squalor by Brian Grosz is a book like no other I have read, a book that reads like a stream of consciousness. From the first page — from the dedication itself — the reader is swept into the author’s mindset and his thoughts that come...
Expressions of Empowerment: An Introspective Guide for Personal and Professional Success by Lisa Morgan Mosley is a groundbreaking work that offers tools and strategies to develop the one ingredient that ensures success: Motivation. In this book, you’ll find attitudes that allow you to communicate with...