The Prophet

Reimagined Through a Woman’s Voice
By Kahlil Gibran, Natalie Solomon, Greg Solomon

A century ago, Kahlil Gibran wrote The Prophet, a revolutionary poetic narrative chronicling the journey of a wise man. In light of societal changes and the unique challenges women face today, Natalie Solomon and Greg Solomon have reimagined Gibran's work from a woman's perspective, presenting...

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The Hidden Passage

A Collection of Haiku
By Seiji Komatsu

Reinvigorate your mind and spirit with this enlightening haiku collection by Seiji Komatsu. The Hidden Passage is a collection of 121 haikus that touch upon various aspects of life, nature, and spirituality, offering readers a transcendental experience rooted in ancient Tao and Buddhist philosophies. Komatsu...

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The Sheep at the Top of the Stairs

By Jan Seabaugh

Poetry allows us to preserve moments and emotions through time. It helps us reflect on our lives and see things from another perspective. Using this resource, Jan Seabaugh shares some of her most significant memories of her mother, Vivian Frame. Vivian was a strong and...

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The Usefulness of Hippopotamus

A Humorous Chapbook for Trying Times
By Vincent J. Tomeo

The age-old adage about humor being the best medicine for difficult times is wonderfully showcased in this delightful collection of humor-filled poems and poetic stories. Penned during the pandemic, The Usefulness of Hippopotamus by Vincent J. Tomeo is a collection that offers insightful and entertaining...

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A Poetry Collection
By Vikas Parihar

Time is a collection of poems by Vikas Parihar that delve into various aspects of the concept of time. Despite being an unseen force, time holds immense power, magnitude, and significance in our universe and lives. The poems describe it as a sculptor that molds...

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The Empowerment Alphabet

A Dictionary of Poems to Conquer Life’s Challenges
By J.C. Dilley

The Empowerment Alphabet is a collection of poems by J.C. Dilley. These aim to help readers overcome life's challenges and are presented as letters that address feelings and things that hold people back from achieving success. These letters are directed toward things like insecurity, depression,...

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The Earth In Custody

Verses of Lament and Comment
By Subhash S Naik

The Earth In Custody: Verses of Lament and Comment is a work in the poetry, environmentalism, and call to action subgenres. It is best suited to teen and adult readers. Penned by author Subhash S Naik, this poignant collection of poems addresses the pressing issue...

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To Unfurl

By Nicole Jean Turner

To Unfurl is a collection of thought-provoking poems written by Nicole Jean Turner with corresponding artistic illustrations by various artists. The book explores the human experience and the resilience of nature through challenging conditions. The author delves into a wide range of themes such as...

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The Prism of My Mind

Poems for 7 Moods
By Francis Mont

The Prism of My Mind: Poems for 7 Moods by Francis Mont is a compilation of original work in a rich variety of styles. The format is primarily in the styles of brief contemplative verse, minimalist, haiku, and free verse. Each of the pieces harkens...

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The Poetry Project

By Angela Williams

The Poetry Project: Job by Angela Williams is a poetic narration of the book of Job from the Bible. The book begins with Satan challenging Job's faithfulness to God, which he attributes to the blessings given to him. Trusting in Job’s loyalty, God allows Satan...

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