Smith by Sam B Miller II is a thrilling paranormal fiction tale in which a young man finds a ring and soon his whole life changes. This is the story of an 18-year-old named Jake, who finds a gorgeous and innocent looking ring, and decides...
Smith by Sam B Miller II is a thrilling paranormal fiction tale in which a young man finds a ring and soon his whole life changes. This is the story of an 18-year-old named Jake, who finds a gorgeous and innocent looking ring, and decides...
Sam B Miller II's U-10 is an action-packed and effortlessly engaging science fiction story that takes you on a journey where everyone is out to get what they want, but only one can succeed. The story follows Ty Lavender, an Army Ranger Lieutenant, who comes...
The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. is the first book in a series by Sam B Miller II. When a small group of humans shoots down an alien spaceship, they realize two things: this is not the last time they will see the aliens, and the aliens...