Easy 8
If you could read the mind of a bull, what do you think it would say? Bull riding is such an awesome event, yet is an extremely dangerous sport. Bull riding takes a lot of skill, flexibility, and courage. As a bull rider, you need...
If you could read the mind of a bull, what do you think it would say? Bull riding is such an awesome event, yet is an extremely dangerous sport. Bull riding takes a lot of skill, flexibility, and courage. As a bull rider, you need...
The prologue to Sean Akerman’s Krakow discloses the novella’s intriguing premise: a character, who may or may not be the author himself, has found in his New York apartment two short journals written by the previous tenants – a young man and woman whose relationship...
Jesus Loves You is a Christian storybook for children written by Christine Topjian. Many don’t realize it, but Jesus gets involved in your life from the very beginning. That’s right, even before you were born, Jesus was there loving you while His Father was making...
A female detective and a spell-enhanced dog are chasing villains in the enchanting sleuth mystery novel A Bark In The Night (The Talking Dog Detective Agency Book 1) by M.K. Scott. Feeling like she spent a year with an egocentric, loud, boisterous, and germ infested...
The Disappearance of Kiki the Kitty is a delightful children’s book, written by Maria Rusu and illustrated by Iuliana Irimia. With a new kitten in the house, young April is in a panic when she cannot find her little furry friend. The family’s older cat,...
Chosen of Trees and of Talons by Jeff Pryor begins after a devastating war. Once the Arnesians were defeated, their king, Je'Hail Mulnaro, had to surrender his life along with his wife and last Truthseer in exchange for his people’s survival. Although they’d foreseen that...
The Dawn of Skye by E.B. Heimdal is a gripping story that combines a dystopian setting with a densely plotted adventure to offer readers a fascinating tale, especially younger readers. Meet Skye and her twin brother, Ecco, as they cling to life, barely managing to...
Icicle Flies (And Learns An Important Lesson) by R.W. Thompson revolves around Icicle, a young Emperor Penguin. Icicle wakes up one day after Christmas 2016 and sees that huge snowdrifts have formed because of the snowstorm the previous night. She wants to go out and...
Oh, what an emotional ride The Kitchen Mistress: The Letter Series Book 3 by Kathleen Shoop has been! Katherine, the protagonist, loves her family more than anything in the world. She wants to help her mother, Jeanie Arthur, in every possible manner. Katherine has a...
Mothering with Courage: The Mindful Approach to Becoming a Mother Who Listens More, Worries Less, and Loves Deeply by Bonnie Compton is a self-help book that will help new mothers and even bring something new to the old pros. This book focuses on helping women...
With captivating and colorful settings in Newport Beach and Orange County, The Bay: A Mystery & Suspense Novel by Davis MacDonald is a gorgeous treat for fans of mystery. The judge is supposed to be enjoying his vacation with his pregnant wife when he is...
The International Family Guide to US University Admissions by Jennifer Ann Aquino is a helpful guide that will aid those hundreds of thousands of international students and their families to make sense of the US applications and admissions process from start to finish. The book...
Oscar the Orange Octopus by RT Errill revolves around the charming octopus, Oscar, who introduces himself to readers by saying that although he has eight arms and no legs, he is sad that he does not have fingers and toes. He finds his way around...
Teenage Mosaic: A Story of Murder, Revenge, and Forgiveness is a young adult and new adult contemporary fiction novel written by Dewey Pasquini. What started out as teens acting out in a restaurant and harassing their waitperson until they got him fired would turn out...
Kelly Boyd wants nothing more than to be with her family. Even if her work as a nurse was demanding and tiring, and even if there wasn’t much color in her marriage, she’d look forward to the weekend and to precious time with her six...
In today's culture, one of the challenges affecting millions of people globally is the fight between weight and food. Whether the desire is to gain or lose weight, these two elements are a challenge. Quick & Easy Metabolism Miracle Diet: Shed Stubborn Fats With 5...
Oliver and the Little Ghost by Andy Klein is the second book in The Fantastic Adventures of Oliver Phenomena series. Right away young readers are told that Oliver is a very different little boy, one with the ability to attract "unusual encounters with curious things."...
There is a distinct fascination with seeing and experiencing life in another part of the world. The lure of travel is real and, for those who can, it becomes an experience that stays with them for a lifetime. For those who are unable to travel,...
The first in a series, The Boys of Casper by Dallas Jones is a coming of age tale of six young boys entering high school and the alien observing them from afar. Set in the seventies, The Boys of Casper has a male tone distinct...
The Muse: A Novel of Unrelenting Terror by Arjay Lewis is the story a very famous and enigmatic writer named Jack Court. He is wealthy, young and handsome on top of being successful. But all of this comes at a price. Jack has a sinister...