Death of a Diplomat

Fiction - Suspense
224 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rita G. for Readers' Favorite

"Death of a Diplomat" by Nick Greaves

This is the story of a British diplomat enjoying retirement life with his beautiful wife, in the Bahamas. One day he walked into the ocean and was later found dead. Sir John Little was a distinguished British diplomat who was loved by many. There was no way this could be a simple accident. British Foreign Office employee Michael Burton was assigned the case. He and Bahamian Detective Chester King join forces to investigate Little’s death. They were determined to discover what really happened to the diplomat despite the fact that the widow is less than helpful and more than she appears on the surface. What they discovered could be deadly.

I love this book. It kept me on the edge of my seat as I eagerly turned the pages to see what would happen next. I did find a minor proofreading error. The characterization was superb. The detectives were realistic and likable. The widow gave me chills. The plot was well developed and moved along at a nice pace. I kept trying to guess what would happen next but the author kept me in the dark. The suspense slowly built just the way I like in a mystery novel. The cover of this book was well done and hinted at what lie inside. Once I started this one I could not put it down. I stayed up all night unable to sleep until I knew the ending. I enjoyed this book immensely and look forward to reading more books by this author.