Enhancing Your Author DNA

Step-by-Step Publishing Guide

Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/03/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

When you write a book, it is a reflection of yourself and your message, so it is important to publish quality content. The words you write are potentially powerful because they can entertain or motivate the people who read them. The publication process can be complicated if you don't understand all the necessary procedures to follow. Enhancing Your Author DNA: Step-by-Step Publishing Guide is meticulous in its guidance and begins by explaining the basic terminology. Next, the book advises on how to create a quality product and the factors that must be taken into account. These include how to showcase the merits of your book in its appearance, format, description, and marketing. Denola M Burton differentiates between the way a novice and an expert work and why it is important to invest as much effort as possible in producing a worthwhile outcome.

Enhancing Your Author DNA is a wonderful guide and I appreciated the depth of information as it saves readers a considerable amount of research. The book explains the production process from start to finish, from the moment we start writing to the different types of publications that are available. Denola M Burton teaches aspiring authors how to create a quality product and covers all the factors that must be taken into account. These include suggestions on how to overcome writer's block, the main content that a book should include, and how to acquire an ISBN. She also explains the differences between self-publishing, independent publishers (Indie), and traditional publishers. This way we are able to select the appropriate path according to our objectives. There is even a section with affirmations so that the writer will stay motivated during this complex process.