Making Connections

Expectations, Experiences and Revelations

Non-Fiction - Memoir
162 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Making Connections: Expectations, Experiences and Revelations is a work of non-fiction in the memoir, family saga, and slice-of-life genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Elly Dotseth, this introspective work explores the author's early life, shaped by family expectations, and how those early influences continued to affect her for years afterward. In 2020, amidst the COVID pandemic, a shocking revelation during her father's memorial service unveiled a profound truth: she is not biologically related to her believed father. This discovery leads to a journey of uncovering hidden relatives through DNA testing and a critical examination of the fertility industry's evolution from altruistic beginnings to a global phenomenon.

Author Elly Dotseth offers her whole heart and soul in a poignant exploration of identity, family, and the profound impact of genetic revelations. I certainly admired the author’s candid storytelling and personal journey through unexpected truths, told with gentle confidence and a cathartic, open narrative style that felt under control, but also free-flowing in terms of its emotional vulnerability. The handling of emotional complexities that accompany challenging long-held beliefs and identity was brilliantly handled and explained at an accessible level for those who may never have considered these ideas before. The exploration of DNA testing and its role in uncovering hidden family ties was both fascinating and eye-opening, highlighting the ethical and societal implications of the fertility industry's transformation. Dotseth's research into the industry's evolution also provided a sobering look at how advancements intended to aid infertility have led to unintended consequences of widespread genetic connections and complex familial dynamics, which is indeed a warning and consideration for us all. Overall, Making Connections is a compelling read that prompts introspection into the ways we understand and define our familial bonds, and I would certainly recommend it for memoir fans and those interested in family history and the fertility industry in general.