Perfect Shade of Blue

Fiction - Fantasy - General
216 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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Author Biography

Jenna L. Reese is a writer, photographer, and digital product professional. Her work has been featured in numerous domestic and international publications. Perfect Shade of Blue is her first novel. She lives in Ohio with her husband and their two cats.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Perfect Shade of Blue by Jenna L. Reese is a riveting fantasy adventure. Andrea was a daydreamer with quite an imagination and began writing to escape reality. Andrea had never dreamed before, but one night she woke up on a beautiful forest floor in a vibrant environment. When Andrea saw Antartis, she felt as though she had known him for a very long time. Creating dreams was Antartis' purpose, and since he wanted Andrea's first dream to be perfect, it took him almost twenty years to complete. By entering Andrea's dream and spending time with her, Antartis broke the law. Andrea had no idea that she had been drawn into a world beyond her comprehension and that Antartis had committed a crime and was facing punishment.

Perfect Shade of Blue by Jenna L. Reese drew me into a world filled with mystery and romance. Thanks to the well-balanced pace, there was never a sense of hurriedness or boredom. The story was easy to follow, and each chapter flowed into the next. Each character and their background were discussed in detail, and it was easy to get to know them. They were authentic and well-developed. Andrea and Antartis' attraction to each other was natural, and they complemented each other. This book provided a distinct and captivating experience that left me wanting more because of its well-written plot, flawless pacing, and compelling characters. The rich and evocative storyline captured the themes of love and the strength of creativity. The ending was not what I expected but it was fitting.