The Power of Respect

Forever Friends

Children - Educational
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristine Zimmerman for Readers' Favorite

Ruth Maille's series The Power Of returns with a new entry, The Power of Respect: Forever Friends. Orbit, a walking, talking earth, is the guide in this tale. He visits two girls who have been friends for a decade and asks them for help. They have learned many lessons about how respect makes for a solid friendship. Respect for others is valuable, but so is self-respect, and both are covered. The girls share several examples of respect from their friendship, like supporting each other, sharing, and most importantly, communicating their feelings to one another. Equally as important is the ability to be kind and caring to yourself. A list of activities that caregivers can do with children follows the story.

Ruth Maille does an excellent job of explaining values to a young audience engagingly and genuinely. The Power of Respect: Forever Friends is a perfect choice for educators to read to classes at the start of the school year. The examples the girls share will be relatable to a wide audience. Ruth understands children. I appreciated the acknowledgment that mistakes happen and feelings get hurt, but kids can learn from them. The illustrations by Remesh Ram are polished, colorful, and engaging. Orbit is a recognizable character with his white shoes and gloves and the band-aids on his head, which is explained in the introduction. The Power of Respect: Forever Friends is an outstanding addition to the Power Of series! Orbit is a positive and appealing guide on the path to learning values.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

It’s sleepover night and two best friends, Eleanor and Amelia, are ready for fun. The Saturday night ritual has only just begun when another friend, Orbit, arrives. In Ruth Maille’s The Power of Respect, Orbit is seeking the girls’ help to understand the meaning of the word 'respect.' They come up with all kinds of examples, like being kind to one another, sharing their toys, not bullying, and knowing when to say ‘sorry’ – these are only some of their suggestions. Orbit is interested in all their ideas and he’s getting a better grasp of the meaning of respect.

Ruth Maille’s picture book, The Power of Respect: Forever Friends, is a sweet story full of all kinds of good ideas on one topic: respect. It’s not an easy word to understand, because there are so many ways one can and should show respect to others. The plot follows a discussion between two best friends and their mutual friend, Orbit, as they share some examples of how they demonstrate respect. It’s not just a story about showing respect to others, but also a story of showing respect to oneself. The language is simple to help young readers easily follow along and improve their reading skills. Remesh Ram's illustrations are bright, bold, and colorful and add another dimension to the story. The sincere bond between the two besties is endearing and will touch young readers as they consider their own besties and the overall beauty of their friendship. At the end of the book, the author includes a couple of exercises to help young readers better understand the concept of respect. The story is endearing, engaging, and educational and is a great addition to a young reader’s library of books that share important living skills.

Carol Thompson

Ruth Maille's The Power of Respect: Forever Friends is a delightful and educational journey into the essence of friendship and respect, tailored perfectly for young readers. As the fifth installment in the Power Of series, this book continues to build on the themes of social-emotional learning, making it a valuable resource for both children and parents. The story centers on Eleanor and Amelia, two friends who have been inseparable since birth. Through the trials and triumphs of daycare, preschool, and elementary school, their bond grows stronger, illustrating the importance of respect in maintaining lifelong friendships. When Orbit, a charming character, seeks their help in teaching others how to be better friends, Eleanor and Amelia embark on a reflective journey to uncover the secrets of their enduring friendship.

Ruth Maille skillfully weaves together narratives from the girls' experiences, highlighting how respect for feelings, ideas, and differences plays a crucial role in their relationship. Eleanor and Amelia's discussions are engaging and instructive, offering young readers practical examples of how to practice respect in their own lives. The book's approach to social-emotional learning is commendable. By using relatable characters and everyday scenarios, Maille makes complex concepts accessible to children. The vibrant illustrations by Remesh Ram add an extra layer of appeal to the story, and the activities at the end of the book provide reinforcement of what was learned. The Power of Respect: Forever Friends has an emphasis on self-respect. The narrative gently reminds readers that understanding and valuing their own feelings and ideas is just as important as respecting others. This balance is crucial in fostering healthy relationships and self-esteem in children.

Pikasho Deka

Join two lifelong friends and learn some valuable lessons on respect with Ruth Maille's The Power of Respect: Forever Friends. Eleanor and Amelia have been friends forever. It's sleepover Saturday, and the two friends are ready to have fun when someone rings the doorbell. It's their friend Orbit who asks for their help. Orbit wants to understand what respect looks like so he can help other kids learn about it. Soon, Eleanor and Amelia start telling stories of how they have been friends for the past ten years, treating each other with respect by using kind words, helping each other, sharing toys, playing together, understanding each other's needs, letting one another do their own thing from time to time, and more. Most importantly, they were honest, patient, understanding, and, above all, kind to themselves and others.

Respect is a two-way street. If you treat others with respect, they will respect you in return. This is the key message of this heartwarming picture book. The Power of Respect: Forever Friends will appeal to children and their parents alike, featuring colorful illustrations and three quirky and likable characters bound to win hearts. Ruth Maille spins a wholesome adventure yarn about friendship and camaraderie for young readers to engage in. Eleanor and Amelia are long-term friends who navigated their friendship by treating each other how they wanted to be treated themselves. Kids will definitely find them relatable. A master of his craft, Remesh Ram continues to do a phenomenal job with the illustrations. I heartily recommend this book to readers below the age of ten and urge parents to read it to their young children as a bedtime story.

Doreen Chombu

The Power of Respect: Forever Friends is a children's picture book written by Ruth Maille with illustrations by Remesh Ram. The story follows Orbit, a world globe who wishes to spread love and kindness to others. One day, he wants to learn about respect, so he visits best friends Eleanor and Amelia to ask them what it means to be respectful. The three have a discussion sharing different scenarios in which children can show respect, from listening to friends and caring for one another to treating others with kindness and supporting each other. Eleanor and Amelia share from experience, talking about seeing things from your friend’s point of view, not using harsh words, being considerate, compassionate, and loving to others and yourself.

The Power of Respect is a heartwarming and engaging book that presents the meaningful topic of respect and offers practical ways to demonstrate it. It effectively illustrates that respect is foundational to friendship and encourages children to embrace these values to foster better relationships with others and themselves. Ruth Maille uses a friendly, conversational tone to narrate the story, making it fun to read and easy to follow. Children will appreciate the relatable examples, which will help them recognize daily situations in which they can show respect. The colorful illustrations make it vibrant, effectively capturing children’s attention. Respect plays a crucial role in interaction and child development, fostering a positive environment where children feel valued and understood. It helps children to communicate effectively, develop empathy, and build healthy relationships. It not only enhances their social skills but also supports emotional well-being, ultimately contributing to their growth and self-esteem. Overall, this is a must-read for both children and adults.